Chapter 28

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Hide and seek,

The good ol' game everyone loves. Even Y/n, as an adult, still feels the bubbling excitement every time she participates in this well-known activity.

The determination of the seeker, the desperation of the hider and the amusement of the spectator. Each person acts out their role accordingly while experiencing all kinds of emotions─ joy, sadness, anger and hopelessness.

But in this game arranged by Jihyo herself, there's one more emotion added into the mixture─


Y/n ran across the oddly quiet forest, climbing up trees and jumping from one branch to another. It wasn't too long ago when the game started, but nearly half of her class was wiped out.

"Shit!" She cursed under breath after a bird flew directly at her face and began attacking her. It chirped angrily before getting pushed aside by Y/n's aggressive air slapping.

She continued running away like the prey she was, afraid that the predator that was after her would catch up and eat her alive.

Or shall we say predatorS instead?...

Y/n's eyes widened when Jihyo's helmet suddenly popped up beside her. She immediately jumped away and landed back on the ground, drawing her sword out while clicking her tongue in exasperation.

Jihyo giggled, letting herself fall from the branch she stood on. "Does failing to escape from me annoy you that much?"

The masked girl glared at her and scoffed. "For someone who took an hour to finally catch up to me, you sure are arrogant, huh?"

"Of course it would take that long. After all, I am merely a clone created by the original's sacred weapon. It's only natural I wouldn't be as strong as the real Jihyo" She explained, cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders.

"Not to mention, she created 7 clones. If she had only created 5, then I wouldn't have struggled as much" She smirked while pulling out a clone of Veel. "If she hadn't created any, then you wouldn't have been able to escape in the first place"

The 2 were face-to-face, weapons clashing and feet kicking. "You sure are cocky for a clone!"

"Says the embodiment of overconfidence" She fired back, ducking just before Y/n's blade could cut her in half. Aiming for her side, Jihyo landed a clean hit on the trainee's waist using the bottom part of Veel's hilt.

Y/n counterattacked by driving her foot into the elite's stomach, sending her flying a few meters back. "You've gotten stronger, huh?" Although she got injured, the clone smiled proudly.

"I only managed to land a hit because you've been weakened, don't overestimate me and get disappointed when the real you spars with me again"

"Hmm," She hummed in amusement. "Where'd all your confidence go, Ms. Granbell? Aren't you the oh-so amazing Rising Star everyone talks about?"

The clone gathered all her strength to her legs before leaping forward, blasting herself in the air like a speeding bullet that was aiming for the masked girl.

Y/n's eyes narrowed as she placed her full attention on Jihyo. At that moment, time felt like it had gone slower as Y/n calmly leaned to the side.

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