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" 𝑵𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒔, 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒆, 𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍. 𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕. "


"Sorry to disappoint you but are not going anywhere, tell me what you want and I will send someone to get it"

This woman is really stupid if she thinks I will easily give her her gate pass to freedom.

"You know, your problem is that you can never learn to give someone her privacy, you just want to control everyone's life, I'm not one of your lab dogs you can control okay"

She hissed angrily before turning to leave the room, but unknowingly to her the doors were normally controlled by a remote, when she saw the door wasn't budging to open she turned back to me with pleading eyes.

"Trying to act brave again, you see it is not going to get you anywhere, it is just going to take you back to where we were before, so a little advice, do what I ask of you then we are good"

Nodding her head, she looked cute but this woman is going to take a toll on my mental health.

"So what do you want to get from the mall?"

I said going back to my chair

"Umm.....imon my monthly period and I need some sanitary pad"

Shocked at her words, I chuckled and imagined how she won't see her monthly period for nine months while beating my child, seeing her current mode, I knew she was embarrassed so I gave her my black card and assigned some guards to escort her.

She muttered a little thank you before leaving. This woman is something else.


How does Nathan cope with all this crazy paperwork, literally I'm about to lose my mind. It has just been a week since he left and here I am like a walking dead, how will I cope for the next seven weeks. Dear moon goddess, I need your help.

Deep in thoughts my phone rang and due to circumstances I'm facing right now I didn't bother looking at the caller ID before picking up the call.

*Phone conversation*

David: hello

Nathaniel: wow! The role of Alpha have made you mad

David: Nathan, so it is today you remembered you left someone behind to do your work.

Nathan: Oh come on, it is just for two months so bear with it.

David: can you listen to yourself.

Nathan: Yep, I can hear you cause I have been doing it for over a decade now.

David: whatever

Nathan: How do you normally cope with Marissa.

David: why do you ask?

Nathan: Because my so-called is getting on my nerves and I don't want to hurt her or show my true self to her.

David: don't tell me what I'm thinking

Nathan: yes, I've only hit her once, I promise

David: you can't be serious.....are you insane.

Nathan: Don't forget I'm your Alpha David, so watch your tongue

David: you know I'm sure your mother will be rolling in her grave on how ashamed she is of you.

Nathan: David!!!

David: see I don't have your time, I've pending issues to attend to, so fuck out dear Alpha.

*Phone conversation ends*

Slamming my phone on the desk, after everything and his promise to aunt Lydia, how did I even become friends with a monster.

"Beta long time no see"

Alpha Zechariah of the lake cyclo park said, after coming into my office without my permission....who gave him the right

"Zechariah, and how may I help you"

I said spitefully, playing along with his sadistic game.

"I came to see how far and well you have handled the most respected park in our era"

He meekly responded before grabbing a chair and making himself comfortable without my permission again.

"But you haven't visited ever since Nathaniel overthrew your brother in the rouge Tri-state area"

"David, I don't want to involve myself in this childish game of yours, but let me warn you, there is a war coming and not even the moon goddess can stop it and in it, your great Alpha will lose everything dear to him"

This man is insane if he thinks I'm going to fall for his dirty games.

"You know, Timothy built a pillar of enemies during his reign and now with his son making more enemies, they all are going to join hands to conquer his empire which he has strived hard to build over the past years"

Okay, I'm already scared, I can't let that happen, Nathaniel will never lose.
Before u could continue my thinking session he stood up and left, but before he did that, he left a royal stamped letter on the desk.

Thinking if to open it or mail it directly to Nathan, my curious self couldn't stop my curious self from doing the forbidden.

To Alpha Nathan,
"To be warned is to before harmed"
Eradicate your weakness or else it would destroy you.
Tîgêrs Association.

What the fuck is this, don't these so-called associations know who they are playing with, they are jumping into a burning furnace.

I trust Nathan, he can handle this, but I don't want to disturb his so-called honeymoon. The least I can do for him is to figure out who and how this secret Association came into existence.
But the letter talked about a weakness, what could be his weakness?

Is it Maya?

Can she even love him and spend her life with him after knowing his true nature?
Many questions are running through my mind now.

Maya pov

I can feel everyone envious stare in every inch of my skin. These lab dogs of Nathan don't know how to respect someone's privacy, guess they learnt from their master.

Guess I needed to play with them a little.

"Umm...I need to use the restroom so would you guys wait for me here?"

I said in an authoritative tone showing them I'm their Alpha's wife.

"Luna, it is Alpha Nathaniel's instruction that we follow you wherever you go"

One of his lab dogs said in a pleading tone.
"And will your Alpha like if you follow his wife to the restroom"

I shouted already annoyed because they refused to let me go alone.

"Okay but we will wait for you near the door, no complaint with all due respect or else I'll call the Alpha"

Thus man sure has some gut, but hearing the name of that man sent shivers down my spine. I just need to find a way to be alone for some time.

Walking into the restroom, I did my personal stuff and began to look around, luckily I found a huge window and we happened to be on the ground floor, luck is surely on my side today.

When I successfully jumped out, no type of word could explain my feeling now. This is the second time after my marriage that I'm getting out of that hell hole.

This is the life I always dreamt of, being free and social like a proper young adult would.
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