Got a Secret, Could You Keep It

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A/N: after catching up with the manga a shower thought came to my mind as I brainstormed for ideas. And I've decided to take the story a bit different way than originally. Don't worry tho! It won't be too big of a change, just adding a bit more 'depth' to Y/N's character. I had to edit the first chapter very slightly, so feel free to check it out


"Follow me, L/N-kun"

You were right. He totally thinks you're a boy. You thought for a moment. Soon, you totally understood - you weren't very ladylike in your self-presentation, nor appearance at the moment. You very dirty, baggy old clothes you wore out to play covering your slowly but surely shaping figure. These clothes weren't nice at all. Yet, they made you feel the nicest, any time you cought glimpse of your reflection.

Anyhow, you should probably correct his mistake. It would be rude to fool him, this guy could mess you up real bad. So why didn't you want to?

Actually, it felt more right this way. You felt right. You wanted to smile at this warm feeling, wishing it wouldn't end. It won't hurt if you ket him figure out and correct himself on his own, right? Just a little longer.

Draken led the way, you right behind him. You stared at the way he walks, the way he carries himself. Before you could even realize it you shoved your hands straight into your pockets. Chin high, wider steps. Moment later, Draken looked more like a mother goose rather than a tough delinquent, with your shorter self right behind him, mirroring his movements.

As Ken typed something into his phone, he felt tingling on the back of his neck, the one you get when someone's watching you. He turned around to check on you. The way he looked at you made you nervous. You couldn't tell whether he's angry that you are going with him out of regret or if it's just his resting face.

The sudden realization made your heart sink to the floor. Oh right, he must be annoyed at you, just like the others always were when you hanged around with them too much. I mean, look at him, why would a cool delinquent with a tattoo and all wanna be friends with you?

You looked to the ground, not expecting your company to notice your switch in mood. "So... " the blonde finally cut through the silence surrounding you "What happened back there?" His pace slowed down, so he could smoothly move over to walk by your side. You looked at him with a mix of confusion and nervousness in your eyes, which still remained red after crying.

Draken turned his head to you slightly, looking back into your E/C eyes "I belive I heard you crying before I uh... before I kicked the rock right into your face-" his gaze turned back on the way in front of him when he remembered his not-so-happy little accident from earlier. He truly felt embarrassed and bad.

"But you don't have to tell me anything ya know, if you don't wanna." So he wasn't annoyed at you after all? You thought about it for a moment "It's stupid, really..." you shifted your gaze to the ground, watching as the ground beneath you moved fast as you got adjusted to his fast pace from before. "My friends told me they don't want me to spend time around them anymore. Apparently I just slow them down and waste their time. But I guess they're right."

Upon looking back up at the boy bext to you, you regretted speaking immediately. Now you were certain he wasn't mad before, because now he is mad. Draken had a frown on his face, a completely different aura radiating from him "What the hell?! That aren't no friends! Some dumbass idiots. You never treat a friend that way" He shook his head in disbelief. And you couldn't belive it either. Why would he care so much about how other people treat you? Wasn't it normal anyway?

"Trust me, you're better off without those scumbacks" Draken leaned against the traffic light pole, as you were waiting for the cars to let you pass. "But... Now I have no one left." you frowned at your shoes. You were both sad and kind of angry at the same time. You wanted to yell at them yet you hoped they would take their words back and be better to you.

Draken didn't have to think about what you said for too long. As the traffic light showed green, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and dragged you across the road. That sudden action took you by surprise and kinda creeped you out. 'He's a strange dude, why's he touching me like that?!'

"Well then I guess you gotta hang with us!" He grinned cheerfully. "I have a group of friends! They're all cool, I can introduce you to them. We're better than to treat friends like shit." claimimg all proudly Draken came to a stop. You were granted freedom from his grip as you two stood in front of a building.

After entering you were very busy looking around, even throughout the way in the elevator. Your eyes landed upon a sign and grew twice their size.

A/N: I'm splitting this chapter into two as it got a bit too lengthy. The other helf might be posted later today.

Word count: 824

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