Or Move On From You

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"I don't deserve to mourn..."

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- Draken's POV continuation -

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Draken was slightly confused by Y/N's response. Y/N's gaze shifted back down to his lap, where his hands were resting. He observed them as if there was something on them, something only he could see.

"Tell me more about them."

Draken requested, followed by silence. Y/N tilted his head slightly continuing to observe the palms of his hands. Draken's concerned face grew into a frown that disappeared shortly, as Y/N began to speak in a monotone whispery voice, weakened by crying.

"Sometimes, I see Shinichiro... his body is lifelessly lying in a puddle of blood. His hair's sticking together at the back, it's tinted with red. There's a metal stench to the air, I can almost taste it in my mouth."

Draken's eyes fell down to his own hands. He knew he couldn't let what Y/N is about to describe break him. He has to stay strong for Y/N.

"Other times... other times I see dad. He's on the ground, surrounded by water. The water is turning red, and his hair is sticking to his face, covering it. It's sticking with red just like Shin's..."

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Draken remembered one time on the same roof.

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Mikey was overtaken by sorrow, fighting his own emotions after the incident. It was a few weeks after his birthday.

Y/N was smiling for him faintly, standing next to Mikey on the edge of the roof as they stared at the buildings standing tall in the distance.

"How did you do it, Y/N...?"

Mikey spoke in a quiet cold voice. Y/N hummed softly in response.

"You... You told me about your dad. Remember? How did you manage to accept that?

How did you move on?"

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