Like an Unbroken Spell

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You were on the road for only few minutes, when you heard a familiar roar of another engine getting closer.


You smiled as you mumbled under your breath. Baji caught your little note and a grin appeared on his face. Soon enough, a blonde on a black CB250T appeared at a turn, his jacket waving in the air with the great speed you both passed by various cars.

Knowing your place and position, you didn't try to outride him, instead you followed closely next to him, slightly behind. The blonde turned his face to you, an exchange of proud smiles between the two of you followed. It was almost as if an entire converstation happened just in that little moment.

The commander was here.

Shortly, other groups of motorcycles joined in the parade of traffic lights. Looking over for a moment to check out who's present, you noticed Draken on Mikey's other side, with Misuya following as well. Saying that this felt great would be an understatement.

The rumbling, purring and roaring of everyone's motorcycles echoed way ahead of you, telling everyone who would listen and understand the simple message - Tokyo Manji Gang is coming through.

After spending so much time with these folks, you could tell apart almost each individual sound of their bikes, the owner on it. Everybody stopped at a red light, the engines continued their murmur. You inhaled the air of the approaching night deeply, taking in the moment.

"I wonder if this is what dad felt and saw during his days."

You reminisced nostalgically as if you lived through those moments by just listening to the many stories he would tell you. Baji's grin only grew as he spoke proudly.

"You bet!"

You smirked as amber light joined the red that burned into your peripheral vison this whole time. With light motions of your right wrist you turned the handlegrip towards you in melodic intervals, getting husky growls out of your bike, getting louder progressivelly. You chuckled to yourself as the convoy behind you followed your doing, adding voices of their own machines to the orchestra.

With the appearance of the awaited green light above your head, each line started to move forward again, progressivelly gaining speed once more. Moments later you arrived to the meeting place - the Musashi Shrine.

From your position in the head of the convoy, you could see two figures standing in the parking lot, right in front of the stairs that lead to the shrine itself. As you got closer your headlights illuminated the figures, blinding them yet allowing you to identify them perfectly.

The standing bleached mess of Takemitchy Hanagaki's hair was the first thing you noticed. And looking over at the person hiding behind him - Hina?!

"Why the Hell is she here?"

Baji got slightly scared, your suddenly angry tone surprised him. Everybody started to break the formation in order to find a spot to pull over and park their motorcycles.

For now you had to forget about the couple, instead you followed behind slowing Mikey and parked nearby him. As you stretched while still in your seat, Baji got off your bike.

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