Or Perhaps A Curse

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"So, Takemitchy.

What's the deal with you and Draken?"

Takemitchy sweatdropped at your question, he was shooting his gaze around the entire street, as if there was an answer he could give you written on a wall somewhere. He looked back at you after a moment when he recollected himself a bit.

"I-I can't exactly explain it... but Draken-kun might be in trouble and I gotta make sure nothing happens. So, if you'll excuse me, Y/N,

I need to go follow him now."

The blonde built up enough courage to try and pass by you, going after Draken. You, however, weren't done here just yet. You grabbed him by his shoulder strongly, pulling him back to face you.

"Not so fast, Takemitchy."

Takemitchy gulped, growing visibly nervous because Draken was getting away with each second and you were probably going to end his entire existence right now. He was surprised you haven't mentioned your little incident from the evening of the meeting yet.

"I'mma tag along."

His gaze shot towards your face, meeting your eyes. He realized now that he could actually see your whole face now. You must've been wearing the mask only for gang related business, so that no one could associate you with Toman in your daily life or people from other gangs who you might spy on.

He could figure out all of that only thanks to Yamagishi's lecture. You were basically his idol. Someone he looked up to. But hence your careful approach when it came to your identity and you in general, there wasn't too much known about you.

That's why Yamagishi got so excited when Takemitchy mentioned you're his friend in front of him. Or at least, you said you are friends? Takemitchy was very confused as to what it is between you. To him, you were also a potential threat when it came to Hina. Stupid boy.

"Wait- what? Really? Why?"

"If that's alright with you, of course. It's beneficial for the both of us, don't ya think?"

You started to circle around him, but without any sign of threats this time.

"I know where Draken is heading. You probably wouldn't be able to catch up to him alone by now. Also, I want to get to know you better, Takemitchy~"

You were standing by his side now. You leaned closer to his ear.

"We're friends, after all. Right?"


Takemitchy barely blurted out. You smiled at him playfully like a kid all of a sudden.

"Plus I'm really fucking bored and stalking Draken sounds fun."

You admitted, making Takemitchy's jaw drop in disbelief.


"Yosh, let's go then, compadre!"

Before Takemitchy had a chance to react you were already making your way off to somewhere. He ran after you as you walked casualy yet surprisingly fast, your hands in your pockets as usual.

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