Back At Anchor Beach

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It was a typical morning for Jude.The hectic morning of fighting for the bathroom, waiting for the cereal to be passed around waiting for lena to drive him to school.

The ride to school was quiet. Jude was texting Connor the ride there.

Jude walked up to the bench where he normally meets Taylor. He walked up to the bench.

"Hey Tay- Connor? What are you doing here?" Sitting next to him.

"Im back at Anchor Beach. I convinced my dad to put me back in Anchor Beach."


"I told him I would get great grades, play any sport he wanted me to and could take my phone when I get home from school everyday until I'm done my hpmework. And only go over your house on the weekends."

"Wow. I just cant believe your back.What classes do you have?"

"I have every class with you. All that stuff I have to do is because I have all my classes with you."

" Yay. Im so excited."He looked around and luckily for him they were the only ones around. He quickly pecked Connor on the lips.

"C'mon. Lets go tell Lena. She doesnt even know. Only Monte." The boys walked off to Lenas office and told her the news.

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