Home pt2

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Jude:come over for dinner. But it has to stay a secret.

Connor:do you want me to come now?

Jude:yeah. No one is home yet.


"Okay. Look, I haven't exactly told the fam your back or that we are back together. So I'm gonna wait until halfway through so your gonna hide in the closet until I come up and get you."

"Noo! Not the closet!" Connor said, laughing. "Okay. Will do."


As soon as the fam got home, Connor hid in Jude's closet and waited for Jude to come get him.

Meanwhile downstairs Jude was helping set up for dinner.

"So Brandon and Aj are coming for dinner so we are sitting at the big table." Lena told Jude as he grabbed plates

"Okay cool. Haven't seen them in awhile anyway. I'm gonna go wash up."

"Okay bubba."


Everyone was gathered around the table eating.

"Mom, may I be excused to use the bathroom?" Jude asked.

"Of course love. Just don't take too long." Stef answered.

Jude walked upstairs and went to the bathroom because he really did have to go then he went in his room to grab Connor.

"Okay so here's the plan. Your gonna stay on the steps where they can't see you and then I'm gonna tell them about you and us and then your gonna walk down." Jude explained as he walked with Connor.


"Hey guys. Can I talk to you guys for a second?" Jude asked as he sat back down.

"What's up Judicorn?" Mariana asked.

"You guys remember how upset I was about Connor leaving and then us breaking up?" Jude looked around to see everyone looking at him weirdly. "Well he and his dad worked everything out and he's back until he graduates and we maybe sorta kinda got back together." Jude let out a breathe that he didn't know he was holding in.

Connor walked down the steps and stood on the landing. Mariana got up from her chair and ran over to Connor.

"Connorkins. I missed you!" Mariana yelled as she jumped on Connor, almost knocking them over.

"I missed you too. I missed everyone. But I'm back for good. I promise."

"Well Connor why don't you join us for dinner?" Stef asked, well more demanded.

The family caught up with Connor and Adam even came over for some games and let Connor spend the night.

Everything was just right.

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