The Talk.

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Connor had dreaded his dad coming home from dropping Jude off.

He heard a car door close and he sat on the couch.

"Ready to talk?" Adam asked, closing the door.

"Yeah. I guess."

"What were you thinking? Your only 13?"

"Nothing happened. What? Am I not aloud to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Not like that!"

"Maybe I should go live with mom." Connor said, not looking at Adam.


"Because of how you act . Before I came out, everything was fine. Then I came out, told you I was in a relationship with Jude and nothing was fine. I know you aren't okay with my relationship with Jude and aren't okay with me period. I've already talked to mom and she said it's fine."

"Connor. You know I'm doing my best here. I'm trying. I really am."

"Well until you can try a little harder, I'm living with mom. Now I just gotta find a way to tell Jude."

Connor left his father sitting on the couch dumbfouned.


Do you guys want me to make my own version of how Connor told Jude?

It would include lines they said last night.

Let me know.


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