Vidcon pt.1

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Summary: Connor wants to go vidcon and Jude takes him for his birthday.

"So Jude, did you get me anything for my birthday?" Connor asked,playing with Jude's hair by his neck.

"Yes. But you'll have to wait until dinner tonight. Are you staying?"
"Duh. My dad doesn't care."

"True. Wanna play video games?"

Connor nodded his head and they untangled themselves from each other and went over to sit in front of the TV.


The boys played until dinner. They would push each other when the other would win.

"Kids. Time for dinner." Stef yelled up the steps. "Oh hey boys. Dinner time."

"Kinda figured that."

"Okay, smartass. Get in the kitchen." Stef pushed the boys into the kitchen.

They took their normal seats by the sink so when they were done they could go back to playing video games.

Connor helped put out plates at everyone's seats.

"Thanks Con. You didn't have to do that."

"I just want to know what my present is from Jude. He said I have to wait until after dinner."

"Eager, are we?" Jude asked, wrapping his arms around Connors waist from the back.

"Yes. Can you a least give me a hint?"

"Nope. It would ruin the present."

"Juuude." Connor whined.

"Nope not falling for it. You'll get it after we do cake after dinner." Jude unwrapped his arms from Connor's waist.

"What? You said after dinner. Now it's after cake?"

"Yeah. I forgot about the cake." Jude shrugged his shoulders like it didn't even matter while Connor just groaned out in frustration.

The family ate slowly but Connor ate fast because all he wanted to do was get his present from Jude. When Connor had went upstairs to answer a call from his mom, Jude told them to eat slowly so he could see Connor suffer from slow eaters.

About an hour later, they were done eating and Brandon pulled the cake out of the fridge. Connors cake had a picture of him and Jude from Connors homecoming on it.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Connor. Happy birthday to you. And many more." They sang to him and he blew out the candles, not making a wish because he had wanted.

He had a boyfriend who cared about him, a family which even isn't his own accepting him and loving him.

"Happy Birthday babe." Jude handed Connor a bag after kissing his cheek.

He took out the tissue paper and his jaw dropped as he saw two passes to Vidcon.

"You got me tickets to Vidcon? This is so amazing!" He jumped up and hugged Jude.

"Well my moms' and your dad helped pay. It took alot of convincing to get them to let us go by ourselves. I said we would stick with each other there and keep our phones on at all times."

"Thank you so much Stef and Lena. Guess I should go home and thank my dad personally."

"Of course. I'll walk you out." Jude grabbed Connor's hand and pulled him to the door.

Connor pinned Jude against the door and passionately made out with him.

"Thanks for the tickets babe. See ya later."

Connor walked out while Jude stood there dumbfounded.

Yay I finally updated!


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