Wedding Bells pt. 2

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*6 Months Later*

You would think that planning a wedding for Jude would be easy with 2 sisters and 2 moms' but it wasn't.

Over the last six months, Jude has been a bit of dick. He would disagree with whatever his sisters would pick out. He would argue with Connor when Connor would tell him they need to pick out rings. Connor finally gave up and let Jude do all the work.

*1 Day Before Wedding*

"You got everything you need for tomorrow?" Connor asked, putting Jude's last bag in the trunk.

"Yeah. My tux. The rings. Clothes for the reception."

"Do you really have to stay with your moms'?" Connor pulled Jude in for a hug.

"Yes. Now I gotta go. I have a few last minute things to do. I love you."

"I love you, too. Just think, the next we kiss we will be married." Connor went to give him a kiss but Jude stopped him.

"Which is exactly when the next time we kiss will be."

Jude got in the car and pulled out of the driveway and waved goodbye to Connor.


"Judicorn!" Mariana ran out to the car when Jude pulled up. "I can't believe your not gonna be an Adams-Foster after tomorrow."

"I'll always be an Adams-Foster but Connor and I both agreed that Adams-Foster Stevens is too many last names so we just agreed on his last name." They both grabbed bags out of the trunk and went inside.

"Hey little bro. Well your not so little anymore. Here let me help you. Putting them in the old room?" Jude nodded. Jesus took all the bags upstairs in one load.

Jude walked into the kitchen and saw Stef an Lena making dinner. It was Jude's favorite. Lasagna and garlic bread.

"It smells amazing in here."

Stef and Lena turned around and smiled when they saw him.

"Hey bubba. So glad your home. We made your favorite."

"I can tell. I'm glad to be hone too but I already miss Connor and it's only been 2 hours."

"You'll see him tomorrow besides its time you spent some time with us. We never see you anymore."

"I know. I've just been busy between work and planning the wedding."

"We understand. Go wash up for dinner and tell your brothers and sisters to wash up too." Stef demanded.

"Im not 13 anymore. I'm a grown man."

"Yeah. A grown man who still has his rocket ship bed sheets at his new house." Jude glared at Stef.

She glared back. He sighed and went upstairs.


"Its nice to have all my children under one roof again." Lena said, taking a bite of the lasagna.

"Except Connor. But he will be here tomorrow so its fine." Mariana stated. "Judicorn. What's wrong?"

"Just some pre-wedding jitters is all. And I miss Connor. A lot. I mean this is the longest distance we've been apart since we were 13 and he moved to L.A. I mean except for when we're at work or school. Or shopping. But were usually together while shopping."

"He's nervous. He rambling on and on. Oh no. Please don't do that tonight ecspially if we have to get up early to ready. And since I have to share a room with you, I will throw a pillow at your head just like old times when you would grind your teeth in your sleep." Jesus laughed at the memory.

"I hated when you would do that."

"Why? Were you dreaming about Connor?" Jesus said with a singsong voice.

"No. I would always be sleeping really well."

"Speaking of sleeping, since everyone is done eating let's all go to bed since Mr. Jude has a big day tomorrow." Stef said, cleaning up everyone's plates and heading to bed.


Gonna post a part 3 soon. That will be the actual wedding day

The part about school: they are both working on their degree's for social working so that's why they are still in school.


Jonnor OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora