Walking In

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It had been a long and stressful day for Jude. He had to make up the math test he walked out on, forgot his lunch at home and since Lena had taken the day off, he didn't eat lunch. He forgot some of his homework. At home.

He couldn't wait to release all of his stress with Connor.

"Hey. You ready?" Jude turned around to Connor, smiling ear to ear.

"Yeah." Jude shut his locker and started the walk to Connor's house.

"So my dad isn't gonna be home until five."

"Oh cool." Once the boys were out of sight of school, they interlocked their fingers.

"So what do you want to do?" Connor asked, walking up the steps on his porch and unlocking the door.

"Well we have homework to do. So that then video games?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Well duh. I came up with the idea."


They did their homework, played video games and now here they were. Making out. Connor laying down and Jude on top stradling Connor

Connor pulled Jude's shirt off of him and ran his hands over his back and stomach.

Jude did the same to Connor's shirt. Once he had it off, he ran his hands all over Connor's toned abs. Neither of them had heard Adam walk in the house.

"Con-" Adam had started to say until he saw Jude and Connor. Making out. Shirtless.

The boys scrambled to get their shirt's.

"Jude. I think it's time you leave. Please wait downstairs. I'll take you home."

Jude slowly walked out Connor's room.

"You and I will talk about this when I get back." Adam said sternly, walking out of Connor's room.


Yay!! An update. I'll probably post part 2 of this later. Promise.


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