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Jude had been down a lot lately. Mostly because Connor couldn't make it home for Christmas. He got an 'F' in math class and his mom was making him stay in L.A and study. But Jude got him a present anyway cause Connor was going to be home for New Years.

"Jude,honey. You need to eat. Its your last day before break." Lena said from across the table.

He just nodded at her, picking at his food and taking little bites. Lena let out a sigh.

"Just put your plate in the sink and meet me in the car." Lena got up from the table and went outside. Jude slowly put his plate in the sink.

"I just wish Connor was here." He whispered to himself.

He got into the car and pulled his phone out.

Judicorn: I wish you were here

Connorkins: Me too. Talk to you after school. I love you

Judicorn: I love you too.

Jude slipped his phone back in his pocket and leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes. Lena looked at him with sad eyes but a determined look on her face.

The day dragged on for Jude. All he did was watch movies in all his classes but it wasn't going by fast enough. He ate lunch in Lena's office with Taylor.

He couldn't stand sitting at the table where he and Connor used to sit so he just started eating in his moms office. Which is where he was at right now.

"JuJu. What's wrong?" Taylor asked looking up from her phone.

"Its just that Connors not coming back to San Diego until New Years and I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving." He picked at his sandwich and threw it away when the bell rang.

"I gotta talk to your mom. Go to class without me." He gave Taylor a questioning looking but shrugged and went to class.

5 minutes later, Lena walked into her office.

"Taylor, shouldn't you be in class?"

"I want to get Connor to come back for Christmas for Jude. And if he does come back, I have an idea on how to surprise him."

"I'm already working on it. Tell me what your idea is."


It was the end of the day and Jude was happy.

"Hey bubba, I gotta stay after and do some things so catch a ride with Brandon or Callie." Lena said as Jude walked into her office. "Also its your night to pick what's for dinner."

"Pizza is fine with me." Lena got up from her desk and gave him a hug.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest. Now go, Brandons waiting." He walked out her office and made his way to Brandon.

When he got to the car, Lou was sitting in the front seat.

"Sorry, Lou needed a ride and I told he I would give her one." Jude just nodded.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket

Connorkins: You home yet?

Judicorn: No. Had to ride with Brandon and he's taking Lou home. I'll be home in 15 min tho.

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