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I know this isn't how Jude's mom died but I wrote this in creative writing class and wanted to post it.

Jude hated storms. Ever since the night his mom died.

Thunder cracked and lightning lit in the room. Jude shot up in bed. He looked around and saw Connor was still sleeping. He got out of bed, grabbed his phone and walked to his daughter, Christine,  room. She was sound asleep.

He walked downstairs and got a cup of water. He sat at the kitchen counter a and heard footsteps come down the steps. 

"Hey, I woke up and saw you weren't there.  You do this every time there is a storm. What's wrong?" Connor asked sitting across from him. 

"The only people who know this are Callie and mom's but the night my birth mom died was during a storm. Donald was drunk driving but the only they swerved was because the ground was really wet and Donald lost control and slammed into a tree. So I've hated storms ever since that day. That's why I come down here every time."  Jude's phone buzzed with a text from Callie.


Jude:just fine. I told Connor.

"Well I'm glad I know now so I can help you. Why didn't you tell me before? " Connor asked grabbing his hand.

"I thought you would judge me and think I was a baby."

"Jude. We're married. I would never judge you. I understand why you're scared. Just next wake me up and we can talk the entire the storm is going on." Connor pulled Jude close to him and kissed the top of his head. They headed back upstairs just in time for a midnight feeding for the baby.

This story isn't completed I just have to say it is to enter the watty awards

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