Home For Christmas.

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Summary: Connor is in LA and isn't supposed to be in San Diego for 2 more days for Christmas. But he has a surprise for Jude with the help of the family.

A/N: I know it's kinda late for a Christmas one but I wrote this awhile ago and just remembered about it.

Jude was happy that it was Christmas but he was bummed that Connor wouldn't be here in San Diego for another 2 days.

The Adams-Foster family woke up around 7:30 in the morning, had their big family breakfast and now were opening presents.

Callie had gotten a new camera, a sketchbook, and a new case for her phone. The case was a picture of the Eiffel tower.

Marianna got a new laptop, dance practice clothes and a new case too. Her case was pink and sparky.

Jesus got a new laptop, some tools to keep around on him, and a new case too. His case had a robot on it.

Brandon got a new practice keyboard, sheet music and a new case. His case had piano tiles on it.

Jude got a new laptop, an upgrade on his phone and case for his new phone. His case was customized. It had a selfie of him and Connor. The selfie was Connor kissing Jude's cheek and Jude smiling wide.

"Connor got you the case. He wanted me to tell you he has the same one." Marianna told him.

"Oh Jude. You have one more thing from Connor." Lena picked up the envelope and handed it to Jude.

Jude opened it and it was a letter.

Dear Jude,

I'm sorry I couldn't be there today but I do have a fun little hunt for you. Your first clue is where I gave you the PSP.

Good luck and I love you


Jude walked over to the steps and saw another envelope.

"To find your next clue, look where dogs, if you had one, would take a poo." He read out loud. He ran out back and found an envelope by the tree.

"The next clue is hidden where you eat with your family."

He ran inside and on the table was a another letter. The envelope said read this in your head. Not out loud because I know your family is following you.

He opened it up and read it.

Your last and final clue lays in a room. The room where you kicked me and then we kissed.

Jude ran up to his room. His door was closed with a note on it.
Come in babe.

Jude opened the door and when he saw Connor sitting on his bed he ran and jumped on him.

"We'll leave you too alone. C'mon everyone." Stef said dragging everyone away.

"I'm so happy your here." Jude said into Connor's shoulder.

"Me too. And I have even better news. My dad and I talked about everything and I'm moving back to San Diego. And even better than that Lena kept my spot at Anchor Beach and I'm going back there and we have all the same classes except for your honors classes."

"Seriously? Oh my god. Now I won't have to deal Taylor and Daria by myself anymore."

Jude leaned forward and kissed Connor. After a quick make out session they went back downstairs and joined the family to play games and watch movies.

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