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Jude couldn't believe that Connor had come back to town without telling him. He didn't even mention the fact that he had a new "boyfriend" to Jude.

Jude: why didn't you tell me you have a new bf?

Connor: well I didn't really think its any of your business. You broke up with me. Remember?

Jude:yes I remember. Because I regret it. How long are you in town for?

Connor:till I graduate. I moved back with my dad. Missed my life here.

Jude:what about your bf?

Connor:not really my bf. Just a teammate. Can we meet up in person?

Jude:yeah. You can come over. No one else is home.

Connor:k. I'm just gonna walk in. I know where the spear key is.

To say Jude was nervous was an understatement. He was terrified. The last time he physically talked to Connor was the night they broke up.

Jude heard the door open and close. Then footsteps. And then his bedroom door opened.

Connor walked over to Jude's bed.

"Why did you do it?" Connor asked. "Why did you break up with me. I thought you loved me."

Jude let out a sigh. "I did it because it felt like we never talked anymore. You were always busy with football and soccer. It felt you were trying to avoid me. And I do love you Connor. More than you could ever know."

"Really cause it didn't seem like it. I cry my eyes out every night over you. I love you so much that I talked with my dad and worked everything out with him just to see you. I left my mom for you. Because I love you Jude."

"I know and I love you too. So much. So are you and your dad really on good terms now?"

"Yeah. He told me he was sorry for not understanding and not getting it until now. So we are going to therapy to help the situation. Are you seeing anyone?"

"No." Jude slowly leaned in and Connor did too. Their lips met and they instantly felt sparks just like the day in the tent.

"I promise to never leave you again. As long as you promise to never break up with me over Skype again." Connor said as they pulled apart.

"I promise. But can we take things slow this time around. I feel like we moved way too fast last time."

"Of course. Anything for my Judicorn. I love you."

"Connor! I told you not to call me that. But I love you too."

"I will call you whatever I want." Connor said pecking Jude lips and tickling him. "Hey, I gotta go but I'll text you later." Connor walked out the door while Jude thought about how he was going to tell his family Connor was back and they were getting back together.


Hellur! Don't hate me. Im slowly liking Noah but I really wanted this to happen. Should I make a second part about how Jude tells the fam about connor?


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