Best Friend

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9th grade:

"Okay class. Today we are going write about our best friends but they are not allowed to see the letter until 12th grade on the last day of school. 

Jude knew exactly who he was going to write about. Connor.  His best friend since 1st grade. The words just flowed out onto the paper.  He described Connor in a way that someone would think they were dating. But they weren't. Just friends.


"C'mon Jude. I know you wrote about me last year. Just let me see the letter." Connor argued with him.

"No, Mrs Jackson said Senior our best friends get the letters. And who said I wrote about you. Maybe I wrote about my bed." Connor frowned.

"Connor,  what are you doing?" Jude asked as he saw Connor looking through desk. "You better not be looking for that damn letter again."

"Jude. Im your boyfriend now. Why can't you just give me the letter. I thought you loved me. "

"Don't you dare. I do love you.  I'm crazy about you. You have one more year to wait to see if I wrote the letter to you or not."


"Okay class.  Today is the day you give your letters to your best friends. At the end of the day I want everyone to come back here and hand out their letters.


Connor walked in with Jude at the end of the day and they sat next to each other since they weren't actually in class.

"Okay everyone take out your letters and hand them out."

Connor immediately handed his to Jude. Jude stood up like he was gonna give it someone else but he sat back down handing it Connor, laughing.

"Not funny Jude. I knew it was about me."

"Just open it. You've been getting on my damn nerves about it."

Jude's letter:
My best friend is Connor Stevens. His dirty blonde hair always falls perfectly on his head. His green eyes sparkle every time he looks at me. His perfect white teeth shine when he smiles. All his little imperfections is what makes Connor Connor. I love him and I hope by the time he sees this he feels the same way.

Connors letter:
My best friend is Jude Adams-Foster. His brown hair falls perfectly on his head without trying. His brown eyes sparkle no matter what he's looking at. His teeth shine when he smiles at anyone. His imperfections make Jude Jude. I love him and hope by the time he sees this we are both out and can be together and I hope he feels the same way about me.

"Well I hope feel the same way about each other." Jude laughed,  after finishing reading the letter.

"I mean I think we do. I love you."

"I love you, too.  See we do feel the same way." Jude pecked his cheek and they walked out of the class room.

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