Breaking Up pt.1

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Jude: Wanna hang out?

Connor: Can't I'm hangin with Kevin

Jude: Okay. Tomorrow?

Connor: Yeah, Sure.

Jude threw his phone on his bed and walked downstairs. As he walked into the kitchen, he sighed.

"What's wrong, love?" Stef asked.

"Connor. He's been hanging with Kevin alot lately."

"Well how about we have a movie night to get your mind off of it. How about we watch Step Brothers? Thats your favorite movie."


The family watched the movie and then went to bed, except for Jude.

Jude: Hey, u still up?

Jude: Connor?

Jude: Hello?

Connor: Hey, sorry im over Kevins and we were playing XBOX

Jude: Whatever. Just wanted to tell u goodnight but apperently ur busy with Kevin

Jude turned his phone off and went to bed.

*The Next Day*

Jude: U still coming over?

Connor: On my way now.

Within five minutes of recieving the text Connor walked into his bedroom.



"You okay?"

"Perfectly fine."

"Okay. Wanna play XBOX?"

"I don't know. Would Kevin be okay with it. You guys seem to do everything together now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you guys hang out all the time. You never ask me to hang out anymore. Im always asking you to hang out and when I do your with Kevin."

"Okay. But what's the problem here?"

"Im your boyfriend Connor! You should be hanging out with me more than him! I get if you want to hang with him from time-to-time. I really do. But if you want to spend all your time with him then maybe we should break up."

"Maybe we should."


"Fine." Connor left and Jude just sat on his bed.

"Momma!" He called out.

"Yeah, bud?" Lena asked walking into his

"Connor and I just broke up." Jude said, letting the tears roll down his cheeks.

"Oh, sweet heart." Lena said, climbing in bed with Jude comforting him. "It'll be okay."


Sorry i havent updated in awhile. My nephew was here and i was busy with him

Part 2 will be posted within the next hour or so.


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