re-incipere [KHR] (draft)

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As he lost his memory, he re-begun his life with hyperthymesia and constant 'nightmare'. However, unlike the start of his first suffering, he now have friends and family.

But, does he trust them?


agonizare [KHR]'s sequel
I don't own KHR

Mature for descriptions of death and angst


He can feel himself staring ridiculously at the infant infront of him. He was wearing a suit and a yellow huge pacifier.

As he watched, a chameleon on the infant's fedora turns into a gun and it was soon right infront of his face.

"For now, go die." He can only stare as the infant shot him directly on the forehead.--

Tsuna's brown eyes opens wide as he gasp out for air. "I- wha- I-" His breath ragged as his hand reached to his forehead, where it was shot.

He can feel tears falling down as he felt his body quivering, "w-what was that..-" He asks to himself as he now found himself hugging his own body.

His eye widen lightly, "Could that be.. my memory..?" He whispers out, unsure, "b-but, I wouldn't be alive if.." He shut his eyes as he squeezed, placing his forehead on his knee.

"I don't get what's happening at all.." He silently sobs to himself.




Walking downstairs to where his family is, he found himself still feeling awkward. Somehow he felt a distance between him and the others, or is it just him?

"..erm, good morning.." Tsuna greeted as he squeezed his own arm, looking at the family members.

"O-Oh, g'morning, Tsuna!" Iemitsu, half awkward too since he didn't actually get the time to make up to Tsuna before he lost his memories, replies back.

"Good morning, Tsu-kun! Oh dear, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Tsuna bit his lips, "Uhh, nightmares..?"

Nana quickly went to hug the brunette, patting his back, "I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you." Tsuna whispers as he felt the reassurance.

Nana wasn't told of Tsuna's amnesia. It was Iemitsu's idea and Tsuna also agrees. Roughly hearing the situation, Tsuna found himself not wanting to worry his mother, he just somehow can feel that he doesn't want to burden Nana, and so it goes on like that.

Nana's illness shows a bit of improvement. Who knows if it's because of the rowdiness of the house that made her improved or something, but it's a good thing.

"G'morning, Tsuna-nii!" The children who were staying inside the house starts to gather inside the dining room.

"Good morning, Lambo, Ipin, Fuuta." Oh right, even after the amnesia, his hyperthymesia is still there. He remembers the people he was supposed to know from just a one-time introduction.

And he can remember well on his.. death.

"I'm also here." Reborn, now middle schooler, as high as Fuuta told. He still had his usual suit and fedora.

"G'morning, Reborn." Tsuna greeted. Now that he think of, 'Wasn't that infant from my dream resembles Reborn..?' He shivers lightly as that would mean Reborn killed him?!

"Alright, let's have breakfast everyone!" Everyone sat on their seats and clasped their hands together.

"Thanks for the food!"


After breakfast, Tsuna was picked up by Yamamoto and Gokudera. The two were surprised by the puffy eyes the brunette had but quickly covered it. "Good morning, Tenth!"

"G'mornin' Tsuna!"

Tsuna gave a smile to the two, "Good morning, Yamamoto-san, Gokudera-san."

Yamamoto quickly sling his hand to Tsuna's shoulder, "That's a bit cold don't you think? Just call me Takeshi!"

"Don't be direspectful, you baseball freak!" Gokudera clicked his tongue before giving a bright smile to Tsuna, "But please do call me Hayato too, Tenth!"

"A-Alright, Takeshi-san, Hayato-san." The two replied a bright smile as Tsuna's slowly giving the usual Tsuna's vibes.

As the chime starts ringing, "Oh no, better get going before Hibari bites us to death!" Yamamoto quickly grab the two and ran towards the school.

Gokudera complains as he got dragged while Tsuna just stares, '...It's a bit of an odd feeling, but, it's not a bad feeling.' Tsuna let himself get dragged.




droop.. clack!

Every eye turns to the brunette who hitted his forehead into the desk. "Sawada? Are you okay?" The teacher asks as he deemed it was rare for Sawada to doze off in the middle of the class.

Espescially ever since his 1 month of not attending school. "A-Ah, sorry, sensei.." Tsuna stumbled on his words, rubbing his forehead softly.

"You just recovered from an accident right? Don't force yourself. You can go to the infirmary if you want." The teacher told as the excuse for him not attending school was of an accident.

He was about to decline, but his classmates starts to sneer and whispered out to each other.

"But didn't the Sawada mom said he was out on a trip?"

"Is it really an accident?"

"Tch, it was fun for the full month without him."

"Is he trying to get attention again from this?"

Tsuna paused, "A-Alright, I'll go to the infirmary. Sorry for disturbing class." He mumble out before Yamamoto and Gokudera could blew out in the class, and with that he stepped out from the classroom.

'...' He clutched into his chest as he felt it stinging. He shook his head as he held his tears in, 'It's okay,' He silently thought to himself before he walks towards the rooftop.

Where he felt will be the quietest place. A place best for hiding.

'What did I do wrongly to be treated like that by my classmates..?'


1 November 2021

WEEE hi. Welcome to the sequel
Err, I'm aiming for angst so be aware, lets hope it's going as my plan.

Oh oh, also Allx27

If I can, that is


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