Fallen Angel (Draft)

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Still not sure with the  summary---

A girl who can't die? All she can do is cursing her own fate and hated the so called God, though she doesn't believe in those God.

She is always saved by the God of Calamity (or self proclaimed God of Fortune), Yato, or more percisely his regalia Yukine. Within the time, the three of them gets closer. Still fishy about the God stuff though.

Will she finally be able to die? Or will she find a reason to live? Or maybe she'll believe in God then?


I don't own Noragami. I only own my OC.

P.S. It is a coincidence that my OC, Yokina is similiar to Yukine.

☆3 June 2018


A sound of laughing and scoffing could be heard. Whispers that are loud enough to be not called as whispers again could be heard too.

"Haha, she's still hanging in there."

'Yes, yes I am.. So what?'

"Why can't she just disappear?"

'I'm wondering about that too..'

"It won't change anything even if she died."

'I know, right?'

"I wish she never exists."

'I should be the one to wish that.'

"Why can't God just erase that lowly being?"

'Because God doesn't exist.'

A water splashed through a girl's face. "Oh~ I'm sorry. You're like a little piece of sht and I didn't see you!" A mocking voice laughed.

"Hey, look at this! The shit is drawing another shit with some strange letters." Another one mocks.


"Ooh! I've got an idea! Let's burn it down!" Someone the suggests.


And with that they burned the notebooks.

"Hey what are you kids doing playing with fire!" A teacher then warned.

"It's not us sir! It was Luminoso who burned them and we tried to stop her!!" Someone lied.

"What was that!? Luminoso, you again?! Go to the staff room now!" The teacher yelled.

The black haired girl, Luminoso just complied. Hearing lots of laugh in the background.


"You've gone too far you know, playing with fires!?" The teacher yelled out. "Say something! You've done nothing but doing bad things! I can't believe this. Your family must be crying in heaven because of this!"

"Can you hear me!?"

'Yes, I can. But I've long forgotten to speak properly.'

"Luminoso! You're now under detention."

The girl could only nod and walked out.

The school seem to hate her so much, but other than that, they didn't care.

With her worn out school uniform, she walked out from school becauss of her detention. She didn't bring her bag with her, as she knew they burned them with her notebooks and other stuff.

Her dull sky blue eyes looks down and she continued to walk to her supposed home. Though she got none.

Then she got bumped, her eyes only looked up to see amber ones, she still hung her head low. 'How beautiful..'

"I-I'm sorry!" The person who bumped her apologizes. But the second the person catch the dull eyes, he widened in suprise. The girl nodded a little before continue to walk.

The boy with amber eyes still shocked from her dull eyes got shaken from his accompanion. "Hey, Yukine. What's wrong?" The raven head asked.

"Her eyes.. looks so dead.." The boy, namely Yukine mutter out.

"Huh?" The other person shot a confuse look.

"I-I'm gonna take a look on her." The blond boy ran, following the girl, leaving his friend dumbfounded. Though soon he recover and followed Yukine too.


Yokina sat down on an alleyway. She looks at the sky which turns to amber slowly. 'It looks the same as his eyes.. Beautiful..' She then look around for something, before found something that catches her attention.

It's a broken mirror, with one side being sharp. She took it and bring it closer. She brushed her finger closely and see that she drew a blood. Her lips formed a smile and she admired the color of the blood flowing down. 'This actually feels.. not bad..'

She decides to make another cut, this time of her wrist. More blood flows down, and a tinglish like feeling rose up. It's enjoyable. The urge to make more cuts comes fast. She starts to cut more. Smile still plastering her face, as she felt pleasure.

Then a voice of footsteps could be heard, "What are you doing!!?" Then her hand which hold the glass got slapped, making her to let it go. The mirror contacted the ground and broke into pieces, again.

The dull eyes didn't move, she kept on looking on the shattered mirror. "Hey! Can't you hear me!? You're hurt, badly!" The girl seem to recognize the voice. It's the boy from earlier.

"Hey!" Two strong hand moves the girl's head to face his. "Are you listening!? Say something!!"

'I want to, but I can't. Why are you bothering me anyway!?'

The girl's face changed to an angry face, she pushed the boy harshly. She desperately reach out to the small mirrors that is shattered, looking for the sharpest on. As soon as she found one, she smiled and cut herself again, this time longer, on her legs.

"Stop!!" Yukine yelled out, confused, afraid, and also shocked.

He ran to the girl and force her to release the sharp things and kick it away. She then secured her hand, carefully, and hold it back. The girl make another angry face, 'Stop bothering me!!' She tried to kick him, but he didn't budge at all.

"Why are you doing this?" Yukine asked, as tears forms.

The girl's eyes widen, 'Why is he crying? Is he crying for me? We don't even know each other.. Why......?'

The girl then felt her eyelids getting heavier. Before she knew it, she passed out.

"Hey! W-Wake up!" Yukine called out, releasing her hand in the process. He lightly shook her, but she wouldn't wake up.

"Y-Yato! She's not waking up..!!" The boy cried out to the raven.

The raven, Yato looked at the girl's figure. "She just passed out. Probably because of she losing too much blood.. And not eating much." The blue eyed raven explain.

"Come on Yukine, we should probably patch her up." The raven states and carry the girl.


Notes :

This takes place years after the original timeline. The Nora and father stuff had been taken care of so they won't interfere... maybe...

Hiyori died from old age already, since Yato and Yukine are kind of immortal, but she managed to make another replica of the small shrine she made to Yato and puts it on her house so that the next family members of Hiyori's family remembers about Yato and he wouldn't die nor disappear.

3rd June 2018

P.S. This already have 7 parts actually lol

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