salvare [BnHA]

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"What's happening?"

The other Ritsu gave an unimpressed look. "You two are merging, duh."

The five years old Ritsu gave a look in return. "How does that even work? How do we even work?"

A laugh came out from the other, the one who- "I thought it would be better if we're only two. You deserve to have a quirk throughout your life right?"

"What? But, isn't nullifying quirk my.."

"Actually this two quirks are equally yours."


"Are... are you disappearing?"

Ritsu gave a confused look when now they see the.. the one with that other quirk is halfly seen through and, their hair color and eye color changing..?

"Wait.. why do you, look..-"

They gave a light chuckle, "I guess this is too, a side effect." They told. "I mean, no more point in keeping it quiet but, although I'm you right now, yes, you can say, I contain Len's DNA."

"Does that mean.."

"I'm not an exact existing being that has brain. I believe you'll get more of your answer through the information Kacchan and Izukun got from the lab."

Five years old Ritsu gave a frown. "I... see..."

"Don't worry, I'm disappearing because of the effects of the medicines and all they're giving you. It's just, you can say, I was forced to merge but never been able to."

"But, what about.."

"You two are different consciousness, we work differently."

Five years old Ritsu glanced, "then,"

"I'll give this quirk to you."





Katsuki walks back towards the kitchen to get the remaining foods and tableware.

"And anyway, I didn't expect you'll even search over the internet for it."

Ritsu tilts their head slightly, "was it a bad thing to do..?" They questioned out.

"Wouldn't say it's bad, but it didn't really help you in the end right?"


Izuku ruffles Ritsu's head, "well don't worry about it."

"Now let's eat before the food gets cold!"

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