Experiment 27

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Cutted scenes from my story : Experiment 27


Chapter : Memory and father



And with that the boss and all of his subordinates disappear. All traces are also gone, as if it never happen earlier. "Hn." Alaude stated and walk outside of the room. "Giotto, uhh.. You probably want to.. comfort your.." G say as he saw Tsuna trembling. Giotto snapped from his own thoughts. As he quickly hug his trembling brother. He could feel Tsuna flinch for a second.

'B-But he..'

He will be there.



'H-He.. He should--'

You know that he is still there.

'No.. way..'

Now, Tsuna's even more trembling. Too much focusing on Tsuna makes Giotto forgot all of his surounding. On other side, Tsuna could hear some footsteps and a familiar presence. Tsuna's trembling stopped and it turned into strunggles. "W-Wait, T-Tsuna!" Tsuna is free from Giotto's grasp and quickly open the door but..

"I'm back!!"


The Estraneo's boss appeared on his throne. He smirk widely.

"I have found him!" He declare which make all scientist halted on their work and smirk as well.

"Now.. Prepare subject #72. He will be our ultimate weapon..
Against #27." The boss exclaim.

"Yes sir!!"


He could feel Tsuna flinch for a second. Too much focusing on Tsuna makes him forgot all surounding. On other side, Tsuna could hear some footsteps and a familiar presence. Tsuna's trembling stopped and it turned into strunggles. "W-Wait, Tsu--" But Tsuna already disappear as the door open widely.

"I'm back!!!"

-----Tsuna's POV

I ran with all my might. I wonder why I ran. It's not like I know the presence. But.. But.. That presence.. was the last presence I felt before I goes to there. I'm certain of it. It's very familiar.. and felt same.. But then.. 'Why didn't I feel anything when I first meet Giotto?' I stopped running as I realize that I'm now in an unfamiliar hall.

Am I.. lost..?

Well that's to be expected because I'm walking in a completely unfamiliar place. I look around to find a place to hide. I found some rooms. There is the name of the room in the door but.. Don't you dare to laugh.
I can't read.

OKAY fine! Laugh!! What should I expect gosh!! I never learn to read! They only order us by sound, not papers!!


This is random xD

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