enchanteresse [crossover] (DRAFT)

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Everyone in Namimori knows, they aren't allowed to venture into the forest near the Namimori shrine, as there lives a witch. Whoever goes there are told to disappear without a trace as the witch 'kills' them, but when Tsuna by mistake goes there, he never expected to see a fairy in there.


I don't own KHR, Natsume Yuujinchou,
Crossover work.

Main plot's setting will be in KHR.


A tired sigh escaped his mouth. "Geez, and when I thought I can be free,," He mumbled out before he stopped his trails, "wait," He looks around, eyes widening, "Did I accidently walk over the warning?" A small panic feeling filled him.

Around him are all trees, he's clearly wandered into the so called witch's lair. The Witch's lair, it is at Namimori Shrine's forest, deeper inside the woods. People has heard of this story since old times, no one dares to check on it. It seems like a lie, but again, no one comes visit the forest.

Of course it's not only because of the witch only, there's also wild animals around the forest so it's a dangerous forest.

"Oh no, I should return..." He flinched when he heard some rustles. He gulped, looking at the source of the voice.


Tsuna's brown eyes widen in confusion. 'po?' Listening closer to the voice, he can hear some more voices. 'Wait, is this... laughters?' He's confused, there's someone else beside him?

Walking slowly to the source of the voice, Tsuna found himself staring. Not so far, in the middle of the forest, lays a very beautiful woman, surrounded by many wild animals.

Her eyes shuts as a wide smile plastered on her face, her beautiful alice blue hair were in a bit messy but in Tsuna's eyes she seems very beautiful.

'Could she be, the rumored witch?' As his eyes follows her movement, he now can see her emerald green eyes, 'More than a witch, she looks like.. a fairy..-'

"Po!" Tsuna unconsciously shrieks when a creature come up and surprised him, making him falls down backwards. "Po? Po!"

Certainly his shriek has gained the crowd's attention and he can't help but to feel fear and shudder from the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Stop it." A soft voice commanded and the hostile aura instantly replaced by whimperings. "Are you alright?"

Tsuna froze slightly, looking at the bare feets infront of him. "Ah, um, yes," He stutters out, unable to hide away his panic. "I-I'm sorry," He quickly stammered out, not daring to look up.

"mn?" He can hear that the woman lets out a startled noise, followed by silence. As nothing else happens after a while, Tsuna thought it's weird and finally hessitantly looks up.

As his gaze slowly moved up, eyes meeting with emerald green ones. "!" The two were caught off guard from the sudden eye contact that they broke it second later.

"W-What brings you here so deep inside the forest?" The same soft voice from earlier questioned out to Tsuna, "Were you not aware of the notice saying there's a witch inside?"

"I, went to the wrong way on my walk... and I got lost." He admitted with bright face, "however um, miss? You are...," Tsuna trails off, wondering if he can mention it or is it better to keep quiet.

"How careless," She heaved a sigh before she waved her hand and in that moment a path opened. "That should take you back to the shrine, go." She voiced out, turning around, preparing to return to beside her animal friends.

Tsuna gaps lightly, looking back to the road and to the mysterious woman. "T-Thank you but," He grips his hand, "As expected, you are the rumoured witch?"

The alice blue haired woman looks back for a second before proceeding back to walk away, "And what if I am? Shall I detain you or kill you for bothering me?" She gave a slight smirk.

Hearing that Tsuna pales slightly, "I-I'm so sorry for bothering you..!" He stumbled out, running away through the path the woman created.

As Tsuna slowly disappears into the other side, the woman who notices it stopped her walking and heaved a very heavy sigh. Slumping down to the ground, she slowly lost her composure. 'Oh my freaking gosh---- THAT WAS TOTALLY TSUNAYOSHI AS IN TSUNAYOSHI SAWADA RIGHHTTT?!??!?' She squealed out inside her mind, face slowly becoming red. 'What the heck, I never thought this would be KHR world????' She planted her face to her hand, trying to calm herself down.

"Oh god, this is a very much something I didn't expect. But thank you for letting me meet him at least once." She mumbles out, in a praying position crying tears of happiness.


She lets out a gasp as she snapped from her own thought. She looked at the other animals who looked at her confused and she lets a nervous laugh, "Sorry sorry, I got a bit excited." She told as she continue to walk to center again and sat down. "You know right? I told you all that I was from another world before? Man, I never thought this would be one of my fav anime's world~!" She gave a bright smile as the other animals starts snuggling closer to her.

They let out their animal noises, giving a respond to let her know that they're listening. Some lets out a whimper, thinking of a possibility.

"Hah, but since I can't get out from this forest I won't leave you guys, don't worry." She voiced out, easing their sad noises, "and I love having my slow life here anyway,"

The animals snuggles closer, in a happy manner this time making the one woman laughs.


9 April 2022

eheh, <3

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