the memos over the calender

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His hand hovers over the elevator's buttons, a sudden thought coming to him and so he pressed the highest floor.

It wouldn't hurt to visit the rooftop right?

He let his face feel the cold breeze of night. The moon is bright up, giving him a view of the rooftop.

He decided to take a sip over his mug while he walk towards the edge, enjoying the chilly night.

He could feel the slight tense over his wound, but it wasn't that unpleasant.

He ought to enjoy the peaceful time while he can don't he?

Izuku leaned over the fence and looked down. Speaking of rooftops, it reminds him of that one time when Kacchan told him to take a swan dive from it.

He can't help but to let out a chuckle.

He's actually pretty much tempted to do that.

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