mesias [KHR AU] (draft)

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「In sickness and in health, we share joy and pain.」

Dame-Tsuna of Vongola village is the chosen 'messiah' to save the dying paradise 'Earth'. Alongside with his newfound ally, he goes on the journey to the Tower of AI.


I don't own KHR.
OOCs here and there.
Pace is quite fast
Based on Vocaloid song (revealed on last chapter/ending to prevent spoilers)


Peaking to the crowd that's forming around the person claiming to be a messenger from the Arcobaleno Kingdom, everyone is curious of what the oracle is.

"I, Reborn, hereby announces the oracle stated by Queen Aria." Everyone became quite in that second. "The one to go to the Tower of AI will be the chosen messiah. That messiah's name is, Tsunayoshi Sawada of Vongola village."

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. "Dame-Tsuna?!"



"Are you sure that's not wrong-"

The messenger, Reborn's eyes sharpened. "This is the word of Queen Aria. I may take your words as a work of treason if you aren't careful." With that sentence everyone became quiet.

Huffing slightly, "now, will you lead me to that Tsunayoshi Sawada?" Reborn closed the letter and flicked his fedora.




Foolish humans who think they can defy the God. As a punishment, the God decided to make the Earth, human's paradise, to slowly rot and be destroyed.

To earn for forgiveness, the Messiah is allowed to go to the Tower of AI. To do that, the Messiah have to collect the nine components that is the base of the world and lit up the world's lifespan at the altar.

"To collect those nine components and ask for the God's forgiveness is your duty, Tsunayoshi Sawada." The brunet alongside his mom could only stare ridiculously. "We have limited time, it'll be advisable if we leave as soon as posible." Reborn added on.

",,,,uh, are you sure it's not a mistake? I'm.. Dame-Tsuna you know?" The brunet voiced out.

Reborn hasn't felt so irked before until now. Just what's with this odd village? Wait no, why is the boy himself is lowering himself.

"Clearly your name is written here, so you're the chosen one, now bare with it and save the world." Reborn voiced out.


"Oh come on Tsu-kun, isn't that great? I'm so proud of you! Have a nice trip!"

With that one sentence from Nana, Tsuna's mom, it is decided that Tsuna goes to the Tower of AI to save the world.

"So... Reborn?" Tsuna called out on their way, somewhere in the forest. "Are you like, a.. knight or something?"

"No." Reborn replies back.

"Oh." Tsuna seems disappointed from the short reply. "But you do work for the kingdom right? Can I ask your position?"

Reborn glanced at Tsuna, "Supervisor," He finally responded. 'Although it won't matter anymore.'

"Supervisor..?" Tsuna tilts his head slightly. He doesn't seem to understand what job that is. But since Reborn doesn't seem to like idle talk, he decided to huff it up.

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