Pretty Rhythm : Rainbow Dream (Draft)

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This will tell the Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live and Aurora Dream with the adventure of an or more new OC/s.

Her name is Chika. Chika Yagami, a totally newbie at the Prism Show. She attend to Edel Rose, Pretty Top, and Prism Stone. How come? She could manage her timing well. At the morning she would be in Edel Rose and on noon or/until night will be in Pretty Top and Prism Stone.


Published this but upublished it afterwards---

"Prism Live!"

A staff appear and move to a girl with orange hair (pic above). She started to skate while moving it.

A wings colored rainb appear on the back of her back. She skate while playing the violin. And she jump, "Star Splash!" She say with a smile before skating again.

She then jump again the wing is still visible, "Number 2 : Star Pure Arrow!" She shoot a star shape arrow to a star. She landed softly at the skate rink.

She play the violin while skating again. And she once again jumped, "Number 3 : Golden Star Magic!" She skate to a golden type of star and smile cheerfully.

She skate again and this time, she fly. "Number 4 : Aurora Rising!" She say flying above with rainbow colors of holy spirits in the above.

She landed swiftly, she almost fall but recover it with another jump. She fly once again, "Number 5 : L'Arcobaleno Principessa!" She landed safely and ended the show.


"Chika! Where are you going this early?" A brunette woman ask to her daughter. "Edel Rose, mom. I'll see you at dinner!" The daughter, Yagami Chika answer happily.


Chika's POV

Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Yagami Chika. I recently enrolled to Edel Rose. In Edel Rose, i admire Bell Renjouji. The current top at Edel Rose. She has a group, Bell Rose. The members are Bell, Wakana, and Otoha.

I also admire Happy Rain, espescially Naru Ayase! She's very cheerful. In Pretty Top, i admire MARs, but specially on Aira Haruna. So i admire three person! Hehe...

I'm pretty new in Prism Shows, but i'm very excited to be able to do this. Espescially the Prism Jump! "Good morning, you're early Yagami-kun." Supervisor Hijiri say to me with a smile. I smile back, "Well.. I need to manage my time."

"There are only Bell and Hiro with Ayase Naru and Harune Aira." This perked me up, Ayase-san, Harune-san with the leaders!?

"Oh right, there's this audition for new Prism Idols, Rainbow Dream Debut Session. Do you want to join?" Supervisor Hijiri say. What!? That legendary Rainbow Dream Debut Session which for all those who succes could go to the Rainbow Dream Special Session and then Rainbow Dream Queen Session!?

"N-No.. I'm..." I say looking away. "You're free to try. Come on." Supervisor Hijiri push me to the training room. The 4 person who are talking look startled, "Supervisor Hijiri with.. Yagami-san?" Renjouji-senpai say.

"H-Hello, Renjouji-senpai, Hayami-senpai." I say bowing a bit. "No need to bow down, Yagami-san.." Renjouji-senpai paused before looking at Supervisor Hijiri, "What happen, Supervisor?" She asked.

"I just wanted Yagami to participate in the Rainbow Dream Debut session." He say. "Ah, good timing. Naru and Aira here are about to left." Renjouji-senpai say.

"Etto.. Yagami Chika-chan? You can go directly to change your clothes." Ayase-san say. I just nod and run to change my clothes.

-Time Skip (3rd POV)

Insert song : Rainbow Dream (My song, don't judge.. I just make the lyrics)

"Following the rainbow path, made by the rain. Happines fall upon afterwards. Come tru oh the Rainbow Dream!" Chika started to dance in rink.

"Seven colors lining up in the Sky, viewed after the sadness made by the rain. The sky is bright before the clouds take it places to the sky." She skate before jumping. But it wasn't a Prism Jump.

"After the cloud, rain started to pour down as if crying. The storm and lighting make it even more worse.." Chika jumped once more and do the Prism Jump. "Rainbow Splash!" She say before landing swiftly.

"Not long after, the rain stopped together with the storm and lighting. Something shines between the clouds. The sun's finally up, making the dark sky, and the mists lift up. The rainbow path appear!" She jump once again, "Golden Star Magic!"

"Following the rainbow path, made by the rain. Happines fall upon afterwards. Come tru oh the Rainbow Dream!" She finishes the song with a normal jump.

"Rainbow splash?" Supervisor Hijiri thought for a while. "She's so skillfull. She just enrolled here yesterday." He say.

"She's great!" Aira say, Naru nodded "Yes. We'll accept her, Supervisor." Everyone nodded and smile. Behind Naru, Lovely hides and Sexy behind Bell. "Lovely.../Sexy...." They both mutter.

*THUD!* a loud voice interrupted them. They look at the rink to find.. Chika unconscious in the rink.

On the audiences seat, a rainbow decorated egg was seen. "Niji.." before it crack and jump out after seeing Chika for a while.

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