Dead or Lie

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Fyi, this doesn't make any sense, and it's based on Danganronpa S3 : Hope part's opening, Dead or Lie.


"Stand up."

I wonder if that voice is calling me?

"Say yes or say no."

It doesn't matter anymore..

"This is the result of a game full of holes."

What game..?

"Dead or lie?"

What..? Why..!? I just want my freedom!

"You have only two choices,"

"Dead or Lie."

Huh..? I.. I-I'd rather die-- I-I don't want to lie to anyone..!-


Am I.. I'm a traitor with a transparent weapon in hand.. What should I protect? And for what purpose..?

"How immature!"

I'll have to break on through..!!

"In this monochrome world the light won't come through."

Will it never end? Will I never land?

"Your heart can't be stained.. More like won't be stained."

Is this.. the end of the world?

"You, who is holding on to hope in the middle of despair.. What do you wish to do?"

I.. I'm aiming.. to find the future!

"Then you shall achieve it."

//Line Break\\

"Do you know? There's a boy who's in a coma for 3 months already!" One of the two girls whispered as she passed through rooms in the hospital.

"Really?" The other girl reply, not really interested. "What happen?" She asked.

The first girl look around, "They said he somehow collapsed." She whispers. As they pass through one certain room, the girl turn. "Ah it's that room!" She exclaim.

"Probably he had sleeping beauty syndrome? You know, no one knows how long they'll be asleep and it's kind of mysterious." The other replies.

"Yeah maybe.."


A little brunette open his eyes, his doe brown eyes scanned through the room. "Where am I..?" He ask to himself.

Suddenly a lot of memories rushed into the brunette's head.

"T-That's right, something is--" He say started to panic.

"Silence!" Another voice interrupts.

With teary eyes, hands closing his ears, the boy look above and started to search for the source of the sound.

"Tsunayoshi Sawada." The voice calls again.

The brunette, Tsuna gulps and continue to look around.

"You have commited a great sin." The voice stated making the said boy shrinking in fear.

A shaken voice reply, "W-What did I-- I-It w-wasn't me..!!"

"It indeed wasn't you. But your other self." The voice replies.

A round of happiness filled in Tsuna's chest, "T-Then I'm not wrong--!"

"Wrong! He's your other self, but it's still you wih the same soul!" The voice silenced Tsuna.

Tsuna sniffed, "B-But why am I the one who's gonna get punished by someone., my other self?!" He yelled asking.

A sigh could be heard. "That other self of yours.. Is your future self. And he has been cleansed, so to prevent you do the same, we have no other choice to do this." The mysterious voice reply.

"T-That's not fair!" The brunette reply with all of his might.

"Nothing in this world is fair, child. Now you only have two choices in this place."

Tsuna look around once again. "W-What is it..?" He ask.

"Dead or Lie."

"W-What-- Why..!?" Tsuna stated out shocked. "I-I can't lie to anyone! B-But I don't want to d-d-die..!!" He freaked out.

"You must choose, would you like to lie for the rest of your life? Or would you like to die instead?" The voice ask as it echos around the room.

"B-But.. What do you mean by lie? H.. How do I have to lie..?" The brunette ask confused, and scared.

"Lie about yourself, is probably the easiest lie. Pretend have an amnesia, or pretends not to know anything. Never let anyone knows your sin, and never let anyone knows you."

The brunette stare blankly on the ceilings, with tears still streaming down. "Why.,!? I-I'm not even the one..!! Why must I suffer this!?" He yelled out to himself.

"I don't like to lie! But I don't want to die yet!" He continue to yell, crying out loud.

"Indeed you won't like to lie, as it is a sin. But this too is your fault. Well, your other self's. And you are still young, so it's obvious you don't want to die yet." The voice reply calmly. "But as I said earlier, the world is not fair. So you must choose wisely." It continues.

Tsuna sobs quietly, "I-I.." He mutter out. "I-I can't possibly choose..!!" He continues.

"But you must."

Tsuna stays silent, "I...-" He whisper out.


"Did you hear? They said the boy finally woke up." A voice stated

"So what really happened?" Another voice reply.

"No one knows, the doctors said he got amnesia and forgots everything, except common knowledge."

"What, really? Poor one. He's still 14 years old right?" The other one said.

"Yes, they said he's being bullied too..!"

"Poor boy.,"




"Did you hear? The boy died."

"Eh? You mean that boy?"

"Yeah, they said he died with a smile and peaceful look. He had tears too!"

"What? Poor one.. He's still young right? I wonder why did he look happy?"

"Who knows.."


This is totally random so, don't mind me :D

//18 december 2017

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