Cursed Being [KnY]

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"It should be around this..-" The three stopped their tracks as there's no seal surrounding the said warehouse, heck there's no police surrounding the supposed to be crime scene. "Wha?"

"Shouldn't there be.. somekind of guard and seal nowadays?" Yuutsuna questioned the question they had in mind.

"There should be." Yushiro replied.

Yokina sniffed the air, "There's no mistake, there's still my blood's smell inside.. But- why?" She asks in confusion.

"Excuse me, may I ask something?" Yushiro reached for a person. "Isn't there an accident there?"

The old woman looks worried, "ah yes, last night's." She replies anxiously. "Seriously, what kind of crazy rich person bought that horrifying crime scene?" She informed, hand placed on her cheek.

"Someone bought the warehouse?" Yushiro asks in confusion.

"Yes, just this morning. Gosh, it's worrying." The woman told, before Yushiro gave his thanks and the woman left.

"There's a few people inside.." Yokina mumble out, sniffing out the air once again. "They're all different from those who kidnaps me, except for one, the maso leader." She informs, eyes glaring the air.

Yuutsuna closed her eyes as she tried to listen, "they're talking about transporting some things.."

"They reek of chemicals.." Yokina continued.

Yushiro thought, "Could they be possibly.." He mumble out connecting all of the information. "They might be going to research on your blood."

"No way! That's-!"

"Go back!" Yushiro pulls Yokina and Yuutsuna to a corner to hide themselves from being seen. "Don't be so loud, they may know you and kidnap you again, now for your blood!" He hisses as he peaks looking out. "Let's go back for now. Outside will be too dangerous."

The twins complied, not able to say anything else. Only Yokina getting more anxious and giving self-loath, for what she did.


"So what should we do?" Yokina asks anxiously, gripping her own hands.

Yuutsuna shot a look and pulled her hand, "We can't exactly head them since there's no proof. Also, now there's a lot of different stuff from back then. We can't carelessly kill of people and leave the scene be." She told sternly.

"I know!" Yokina rose her voice, "I know, I know.." Her voice shrunk as she put her head on the table. "It's all my fault.." She mumble out.

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