Chapter two

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"Lerato wake up and take control of your life. You've been sulking for the whole two months. It's not going to change anything. That ungrateful ex of yours is moving on with his life and you're here as if you're in mourning. Get up. You're a strong person but now I'm not seeing that person. Get up and dust yourself. We are not going to let your life go to ruins because of him."

That's my cousin knocking some sense into me. She's right though. I have been sulking and not doing anything for the past two months. Now it's time I get up and go on with my life. I fix the bed and go to the bathroom to take a bath then get ready for the day. I go to the kitchen and my breakfast has already been made. I take it and go join Bonolo.

Me:hey sis. I thought you would've left for work by now.

Nolo: hao I told you I resigned there. It shows that you're really stressed. I'm having an interview on Friday at another restaurant. Hold thumbs for me.

Me: you're the best chef ever. You're going to get this job. It's already yours .

Nolo:mmh so what are you doing today?

Me: well,me and you are going to hunt for a house. Then I'm going home to talk to my father. He doesn't know what's going on in my life yet.

Nolo: don't you have a house already?

Me:I let Rapula get the house we were staying in. The other ones that we owned together,he gave them to me. But they've been rented out and their leases won't end anytime soon.

Nolo: that's more money for you. And never say he gave those houses for you, that's your hard work.

Me: but I'm worried about how we're going to handle our company. Maybe I should sell him my 70% share.

Nolo:babe you put all your sweat for that company to be a success. You actually made that man what he is while he was backstabbing you. So you think you're just going to give him everything and let the other woman eat your hard work? That's not happening. You're not the one who messed up. You're going to stay in that company and everything will go on as usual. You don't owe anyone sympathy.

Me: but it doesn't matter anyway. I don't work there. I only go to check on things. I have a job. I just pray I still have that job. I've been absent for two months.

Nolo: I applied for three months leave for you. You will get a doctor's letter and then you're good to go.

Me: what would I do without you? Thank you for being here for me.

After we finished eating we left. I drove us to Pretoria West. And my cousin being her crazy self asked what we were doing there instead of going to Pretoria East.

Me: I don't have money to waste. Those houses are expensive.

That was my excuse. I just don't want to face my demons there so I'd rather not go there. After viewing the houses i bought a 3 bedroom house that has a pool and a play are. What I like is that there's NO NOISE.its very quiet. Even though it won't be the same because Rapula won't be here. I won't lie. I still miss that man but I'm working on forgetting him.

Bonolo: now that we got your beautiful house, it's time to let go of the past. And we are starting by taking off that ring. Rapula will never be yours alone,erase everything that has to do with him. There is someone for you out there and how will men approach you with that ring on your finger?

I laugh in between my tears. My cousin though. Sometimes she's crazy and sometimes she is wise.

Me: you're right. This ring has to go. I will give it back when I fetch the rest of my things. And I have a present for you.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Where stories live. Discover now