Chapter fourteen

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Mzwakhe arrived and we had to leave. It took a lot for us to leave. Whenever the car was started Nkanyezi or Nkazimulo would cry. On the other side i was starting to get irritated. Sihle couldn't stop talking. When we got there a traditional healer had already been called. I know i don't like this woman Sihle but i sympathise with her. She has been crying a lot today. I'm sure it's very hard seeing your children sick.
Shaka:go and rest in our room.
Me:no. I'll just stay outside here.
Shaka:it's hot here.
Me:I'll stay under the shade. We're leaving today right?
Shaka:yes. I will buy food for you.
Shaka:here. You can go and stay in the car.
Me: I'll be fine. Okay you can leave the key.
I took the key and he kissed me. I cleared my throat as people were looking at us. He went to the hut.
Me:hi. How can i help you?
These village women like bullying me just because I'm young. But now i don't care. I don't know what this one wants here
MaCele:sisi unjani?
Me:ngiya phila nina?
MaCele :siya phila sisi. Uya bizwa ekhishini?
Me:for yini?
MaCele:haybo sisi kuyaphekwa ekhishini.
Me:i don't cook here.
"Yoh obhuti Shaka nokuzibizela amaindiya la ekhaya." She mumbled that.
Me:Maindiya ayenzeni manje bo?
MaCele:uzodlani umyeni wakho sisi?
Me:angithi I'm not alone in his life. Weren't you celebrating when they had their marriage while I was in the dark? Even now you must just leave me alone. Go and tell her to help you cook.
MaCele:her kids are sick. Come and work with us.
Me:I did not have a traditional wedding here. And the parents did not come to my wedding. They Don't recognize me as one of you here. So when it comes to cooking i must slave?
MaCele:you will not eat here if you don't work.
Me:i can buy my own food.
She left furious. I sat alone under the shade until they were done. They got out of the hut happy and cheerful. I had a pain in my heart. I felt like i don't belong.
Shaka:they are done. The twins will stay here with their mother. I will just visit them as i can't stay here.
Me:they wanted you to stay here?
Shaka:yes. If the kids leave the village they will always be sick. But i can't stay here because i have a job in Pretoria and you. I don't want these people mistreating you.
I just nodded.
Me:are we leaving?
Shaka:yes. Let's go.


Sihle:ma you said this would work. I even signed the divorce papers. Just like you said. I lost my husband to that barren thing!
Ma:that's my plan. Everything will work out just fine. Just wait and see.
Sihle:if it doesn't work out I'll cause trouble for you. I know your big secret. Don't forget that.
Ma:do you think I'd forget when you threaten me every chance you get? I have a lot to lose!
Sihle:it's good that you know. Or I'd show you what I'm made of.
Shaka:babe your phone is ringing.
Ndoni:answer it. I have flour on my hands.
He pressed the yes button and put it on loudspeaker.
Voice:hey Ndoni
Ndoni:um hi. How are you?
Johan:not good. I've been thinking about you.
Ndoni:thinking about me?
Johan:i regret turning you down that day. You know I've always loved you. I just respected the fact that you're in a relationship. Now that you are getting a divorce maybe we can try something out.
Ndoni:um i don't think that will be possible. I love my husband and we're back together.
Johan:how long again before he hurts you again? What about Taiwan? I bet he doesnt want you to go.
Nandi: it's my decision not to go.
Johan:i can relocate with you. This is a good opportunity that you're letting go of.
Shaka went to his wife and kissed her.
Johan:Ndoni are you still there?
Johan:are you alright?
Ndoni:uhm stop doing that im on the phone! Johan can we talk some time later? I'm busy baking here.
Johan:okay call me.
Shaka:do you like what I'm doing to you? I think we should take this to the bedroom. There are kids here.
She started laughing. The call got dropped.
Shaka:and that's how you deal with small boys.
Ndoni:did you have to? I'm sure he's hurt right now.
Shaka:it's not my problem. Mind giving your husband some loving my Usain Bolt?
Ndoni:if you don'tstop using that name i won't be responsible for my actions.
Shaka:you should have joined athletics. You used to run back then. But i just couldn't let you go.
Ndoni:you didn't like it when i used to run.
Shaka:because you'd fall every time and it hurt me seeing you like that.
Ndoni:well i liked it when you danced for me. I don't know what was going on with you that day. You danced so much for me. Be uphethwe yini vele?
Shaka:uthando MaZulu. Uthando.
Ndoni:i miss Ndu so much. Do you think i should call his father and maybe he can come during holidays?
Ndoni:babe go and receive the thethings i ordered outside. Please.
Shaka:talk to your brother. He won't say no.
Shaka:uyangi thuma manjhe?
Ndoni:I'm busy. I'll be done aoon
Shaka:what is it?
Me:it's beds for the kids and Ndumiso. I'm going to decorate their rooms.
Shaka:you'd do that for my boys?
Ndoni:our boys. I've accepted my fate tyat i wont have kids so you don't have to walk in eggshells when the twins are here. They will heal and visit.
Shaka:you have a beatiful heart. Thank you.
"Hey babe look what i brought? Your favorite "
Ndoni:wow she even know your favorite.It hasn't even been a week since you divorced and already she's here to win you back. Will i ever have peace here?
Sihle:here have a taste.
Ndoni:you're taking it?
Shaka:I'm very hungry and you're not done yet.
Ndoni:nxa! Stay with her!
Ndoni:I'm done fooling myself. Please sign the divorce papers.
Sihle:you don't have to leave. We can co-exist.
Shaka:babe we can talk about this. I didn't say i want her back here. Just eating the cake she brought doesn't mean anything.
Ndoni:i saw how you looked at her. I hope when the muti they served you stops working it won't be too late.
I pushed my bags looking at this place i called home for six years. I book the next available flight and leave. He signed the divorce papers. I thought he would fight for our love. I always put a lot of work in our relationship. It's time i put myself first. The uber drives me to the airport and tears can't stop falling. I reach there and wait for my flight. When they call it i leave. There's not even an ounce telling me to get out or regret getting in the plane. I've had enough. Instead of going to Taiwan i opted for Japan. I will just work there with no one knowing where i am. I've always put everyone before me. Now it's time i put myself first. Even my parents want nothing to do with me because of a man. I don't know for how long i will stay in Japan but whatever happens happens. Getting married at a young age had it's good and bad. I was really happy in my marriage for the first four years. I did everything i ever dreamt of. But most importantly i was loved. No one ever loved me like Shaka did. He stood up for me. Put me first in everything. I think him wanting kids changed. It put strain on our marriage. And i think blaming him won't be fair. I couldn't give him what he wanted. Maybe we were really not destined to be together. Now here's to my new life in Japan. I hope Japan has something good for me.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum