Chapter twenty five

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I couldn't really slee without just being worried about my wife. She hasn't made any progress and on the other side the kids are asking me when their mother is coming back. The twins are always crying thinking she left again and she won't come back. Her father is the one who is strong in this. The person who shot her really is a professional. No one saw anything and the securities didn't see him.
Mzwakhe:man you have to be strong for your wife. 
Me:i should have believed her when she told me some guy was following her. And i thought it was just a coincidence that they were at the same place at the same time.
Mzwakhe:where last did she see this person? He might lead us to the shooter.
Me:at Lerato's restaurant in Pretoria North. She thought it was those Turkish people and i didn't believe her!
Mzwakhe:it might be them. Even Bonolo has been receiving strange calls in the middle of the night. Maybe Khanyisile's shooting was just a warning.
Me:those people wanted to kill her. Three bullets!
Mzwakhe:we should get securities in her ward.
Mabutho:we all know what the problem is here. Bonolo is the problem. She's the one they are looking for. Why don't you let her go?
Mzwakhe:usoya hlanya? And why are you putting yourself in this?
Mabutho:Bonolo is just a girlfriend and Khanyisile is our brother's wife.
Mzwakhe:i thought she wasn't a Khoza wife material? Angithi that's what you said when you kicked her out of her house?
Me:can we please stop fighting? We are all worried here and no one is at fault.  Bonolo is soon going to be married in this family and she's the mother of our little boy so Mabutho stop this man.
Mabutho:i knew she would be trouble when she slept with him before breaking up with the poor guy first. Who's to say she won't cheat on him too?
In a speed of a light Mzwakhe was already up and slapped Mabutho. I left them there. I don't have to deal with this. I drove to the hospital to see how everything is. Luckily when i got there it was still visiting hours. I went to her room and that boy was there talking. I listened to him talking about their childhood. Their life together and how much he loves her. It was really annoying me. I went in.
Rapula:oh i didn't see you there.
Me:now you've seen me. Get out. What do you think you are doing?
Rapula:im not here to fight with you. Im here as someone who cares for her. 2love her and i won't ever stop. So i have to be here for her.
Me:your time in her life is up. Accept that.
Rapula: im not going anywhere. It's actually your fault that she's lying here. If it's not you cheating on her it's your mistress trying to kill her. Yes i know. So don't act like you're a saint.
Me:get out.
Rapula:the truth hurts huh? You're worse than me. And if she dies now that it's your fault. Nxa!
After that he kissed her cheak and said "i love you " then left. Such disrespect! The doctor came and checked on her.
Me:how is she doing?
Dr:she's responding very well.  She's breathing on her own now. We even took off the machines. Now we only wait for her to wake up.
Me:will she be fine when she wakes up?
Dr:with the way she's recovering im very sure she will be fine. You have nothing to worry about. By tomorrow she will be up.
Me:thank you.
I took a chair and sat there until visiting hours were over. I went back home and decided to go to Lerato's house. I found her with her husband.
Chris:hi. How's your wife doing?
Me:she's getting there. The doctor thinks she might wake up tomorrow.
Lerato:that'svery good.
Me:yes. That's why im here. Lerato i wanted to ask if i can get the footage of your restaurant on the day my wife got shot.
Chris:why? Is my wife in trouble?
Me:no. Not at all. The person who might lead us to the shooter was following us. He started following her at her company. When we fot to the restaurant for breakfast she saw him and confronted him and he denied that he was following her. We think it's some Turkish people after her sister and they shot her as a warning. So we want to show the footage to the police.
Lerato:of course.  Anything to help. Let me go and call the manager and let him know.
Chris:no. Don't do that. What if that guy got to him and bribed him into wiping it off when someone starts suspecting? We must go there without anyone knowing. Then we might find something. I will go with him.
Lerato:okay. Be safe.
Chris:i love you.
Lerato:i love you.

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