Chapter ten

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Today im doing my last day at work then i will go back to my company.  Leaving this place is so emotional.  I've been working here for four years.  The owner of this company is my mentor.  She saw potential in me when I joined this place and decided that she will mentor me. I've learnt a lot from her.  I will apply that knowledge in my company.  Yesterday they did a farewell party for me and im blessed to have people who love me like my colleagues do. I will always cherish them.
"Kea i swear i told her you are busy but she insisted on coming here."
That is  Bontle my assistant.  She's actually my right hand woman. I do everything work related with her. Me and her are very close but not on a personal level. She's also going to work with me in my company. I already asked the boss and she agreed.
Me:its fine Bontle. You can leave us.
She got out and closed the door.
Me: Khanyo what are you doing here? Does your brother know you are here?
Khanyo:yes. Im still on recess so its not a problem.
Me:of course not. How are you?
Khanyo:very good!
Me:you look happy.
Khanyo:i am happy. I wont be spending my holidays with mom and dad so i am happy.
Me:wow. So how did you get here?
Khanyo:uber. I actually ran away. Do you know how your daughter wanted to come here? She said you left her. She was crying.
Me:she cries everyday i leave home. So today I have to knock off early so we can go to the mall and buy her anything she wants.
We laughed. A knock disturbed us and God! What does he want here? I thought me and him are done.
Me:Rapula dumela
Rap:hey. Long time.  Have you been ignoring me?
Me:and why would I do that?
He shrugs his shoulders.
Khanyo:im going to get us food. Im leaving when you leave or your husband will make me babysit your kids. And that's a big no!
Me: wont you get bored here? Or you want to learn simething about finances?
She laughed. She has a really loud laugh.
Khanyo: no thanks.  Im fine doing medicine. Soon i will be treating you for free.
She rushed out laughing.
Rap:husband?who's that?
Me: thats nokukhanya my sister in law.
Rap:you are really married. What does that fool have that made you marry him so fast?
Me:my husband is not a fool.
Rap: Keatlaretsi that wedding wont happen. I might have let the stupid traditional wedding happen but rest assured there will be no white wedding happening!
Me:that's not up to you.  And dont even try to stop my wedding. If you ever considered me your friend just like i did you will not try anything.
Rap:did you ever love me?it's not even a year but already you got married.
Me:you know i did. I cared about you and you took my feelings for granted.
Rap:we can still fix things.  Its not too late
Me:im sorry.  Its too late for that. I love my husband. You know? I never thought I'd ever recover from what you did to me. But here i am. I never thought i would love another man again. But my husband changed that. He showed me theres still pure true love out there. He showed me what true love is. He cares for my happiness more than his own. He loves me without any condition. He doesnt love me for what i have. He loves me for me. He cares about me and not my money. Something i expected from you my best friend.  My brother. But what you did is crush my spirit and he's doing a good job at fixing that. Thats why i love him. I love him because he loves me. Because he makes me happy. Im happy when i am with him. More than i ever thought i could be. I never thought i would be this happy and in love. Im sorry but theres no way i can let go of all of that. As i said before. I wish you the best. I hope you find that one person that makes you happy like he does to me. Not someone who will tell you to plot on you can rob someone. That person doesnt love you. They are only destroying you. You can still change that. Good luck with your life.
"Mommy you're here.why did you leave me?"
And now? Why is he bringing the kids to work?
Mpe:we missed you and we are taking you out. It's your knock off time.
Me:i was just waiting for Khanyo. Why did you come with them?im at work.
Mnqobi:sthandwa daddy is going to do whatever we want. Who knows?I might get my bicycle.
I didn't see Rapula leave.  I just heard the door bang. Well im happy i told him what was in my chest. I just hope he listened and will choose the right path for his life.
Khanyo comes back and i take my stuff and we all leave but not before saying goodbye to my boss. We spend the day in Brooklyn mall buying things for the kids. I swear Mpendulo wastes money. Whatever Lisa asks for he would tell her to take it. Even mnqobi he got him a bicycle and new games. What I've noticed is he loves his children. He does anything for them. Well,me on the other hand i did furniture shopping for our house with Khanyo while the kids were with their father. I even did some shopping for my husband. I hope he loves what i bought for him. After we were done we went back home and i got down to the pots. One thing for sure is i married a man who doesnt like takeaways.  So i have to cook real food for him as he calls it. I thank God for Bonolo teaching me how to coom. Or else i don't know.  I cooked mogodu and pap and put spinach on the side. His favourite. After i was done it was already dinner time. Khanyo had left. She's at Siyabonga's place.  I took the food to the table and went to call everyone to eat.
Mpe:smells nice in here. Mmh i cant wait to taste.
Me:sit down. I hope you enjoy.
Mpe:come here first....i love you.  Never forget that.
I kissed him. Im blessed to have him as my husband and i cant wait to say i do. The kids came too and we had a group hug.
Lisa and Mnqobi:we love you mom.
Me:i love you too.
Mpe:what about me?
Mnqobi:the food is getting cold.
We laughed and sit down. We started eating. Not to blow my own horn but ke di gatile. I outdid myself.
Mpe:this food is delicious. Can i have another plate? Mmh.
I gave him another one and I could see that he was enjoying himselve. After we were done i went to give the kids a shower then read a bedtime story. Lisa's idea. After they were falling asleep i left and went to our bedroom. I took off my clothes and went to shower. I went and showered then dried myself and went back.
Mpe:why didn't you wait for me?
Me:you should have told me.
He took off his clothes and i just lotion then got into my night dress and got under the covers.  I took my phone and just checked my emails until my husband came back. He also joined me in bed.
Mpe:os sthandwa sami. How far are you with the wedding planning?
Me:im still looking for a venue. I haven't found one that i love.
Mpe:im sure you will find it this week since you are not going to work.
Me:yeah. And Bonolo will help me since shes not working this week.
Mpe:you look excited.
Me:this is my first white wedding and it's with the man love.  So im bound to be excited.
Mpe:i heard your conversation with Rapula.
Me:whatever you heard just know that i meant it.
Mpe:i know. And i love you. 
Me:and i love you more ntatemogolo.
Mpe:am i a gramdpa?
Me: Mannono  my cousin  said so. Said you're too old for me. That i could do better.
We laughed.
Mpe:well what did you say?
Me:that i love this grandpa of mime. It doesn't matter what anyone says.
Mpe:and this grandpa doesnt care. As long as his wife is happy. Shes happy right?
Me:very happy.
Mpe:if my wife is happy then im happy.
We stayed talking and laughing until we fell asleep.
The next day I went out to look for a venue with Bonolo. We've been looking i havent found a place that i like. Now we are currently on our way to look at another venue. And im already tired.
Nolo:have you found bridemaids?
Me:yeah.  You're my maid of honour.
Nolo:i already know that
Me:then khanyo and Bontle my assistant.
Nolo:you should atleast have 5 hle. Don't your husband have cousins?
Me:i don't like their family.
Nolo: Kea e ketle pele hle mma. You don't like your husband's family?
Me:they are polygamous and they might influence my husband.
Nolo:i hope it's the first and last time you say that! If your husband wants a second wife it wont be because of them. It will be his choice. Since when have you started judging? I dont know you like that.
Me:im just scared he will change on me and want a second wife just like Rapula wanted. His  uncle has two wives and his two son also have two wives. Whats that?
Nolo:they are not your husband. Stop those negative thoughts. If you are  then whats the use of finding a venue? You can't get married. You have to be sure. We dont want you regretting it later.
Me:i wont regret anything.  Im sure.
Nolo:then thats good. You should ask two girls from your husbands cousins then you'll be fine. Now after this we'll focus on catering. It would be good if the owners of the venue also do catering.
Me:the place you work at can do catering and things like those.
Nolo:wow that's good. Then we have to look for your dress.
Me:the dresses are sorted. Bongani's wife is a designer.
Nolo:we have to see her designs first. You cant wear shit just because its done by family. If you don't find a dress that you love we can consider other designers.
Me:im happy to have you by my side.
Nolo:thats what family is for.
Im happy that i found a venue. My dress is ready and everything is almost over. What im mostly happy for is Rapula giving me back my house and company. After our talk he said he had time to think about everything and decided to do what is right.  Im in my room sitting with Lisa.  Mpendulo took Mnqobi back home because school holidays are over. Lisa cried not wanting to go back and it broke my heart. We decided that she should stay.  Ive trying to call mpendulo but he's not picking up his calls. Since yesterday.  I try him again and this time Mnqobi answered and quickly cut the call. Soon he was video calling.
Me:hey baby
Mnqobi:mommy i miss you. How are you
Me:im good. Wheres daddy?
Mnqobi:im taking the phone to him.
He was going up the stairs then got inside a room. He went to a bed and there he was sleeping.  He was cuddled up to a woman who i assumed is Mnqobis mother. The way he was holding her. I felt my heart beat fast. I couldn't believe that this is happening to me again.  I wiped a tear and just cut the video call.i joined Lisa in bed. I've been feeling sick and I thought I should let him know but what i saw just made me more sick. I put the light off and slept heartbroken.
In the morning i woke up to whispering. I opened my eyes and there he was whispering with Lisa.  I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.  He attempted to get in but  i shut the door and locked it.i took a very long shower. When i went back to my room there was no one. I lotioned and got dress then took my handbag. I went downstairs and they were watching.
Mpendulo:morning my love
Lisa:mommy can i come come with you?
Me:did you take a bath?
Me:okay.  Let's go.
Mpendulo:where are going to?
Me:im going to the doctor.
Mpendulo:are you alright?
Me:if you picked your calls you would have known.
I took Lisa's hand amd we left. I drove to the hospital first. When it was our turn the doctor attended to me.
Dr:please stop stressing. You're putting starin on the babies.
Dr:yes you're carrying twins.
Me:my previous doctor didn't say.
Dr:now you must take it easy and take care of yourself. For your kids sake.
Lisa:mommy are okay?
Me:im fine baby.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum