Chapter twelve

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Time flies.  Today is our wedding day and my bridesmaids are here with me and the makeup artist is doing last touch ups. I looked beautiful.  Mpendulo made sure to tell me each and everyday that im beautiful and i ended up believing it.
Ma:and voila. Done.
Nolo:oh my God.  You look so beautiful. Look at that dress.  It was made for you.
Me:thank you. My aunt came and asked the others to excuse us.
Aunt:my sister is surely smiling down on you. You look absolutely beautiful. I know you are goibg to be a good wife. God bless you abd your husband. Be fruitful and multiply. May you have many children that will fill your house with laughter. Happiness and peace will follow you everywhere you go. I love you my child
Me:i love you too auntie.
Dad:and im here to take my girl.
Aunt:don't keep my son in law waiting. He might think you're running away.
She left after saying that.
Dad:i brought your grandmother with.
Tears fell. My grandmother is really here. I thought she wasn't going to come. She's here. When I got married to Rapula she didn't come,said she's busy. Turns out she wasn't busy. She wasn't happy with me getting married to Rapula. Turns out that she wasn't in support of it happening.
Me:granny you're here.
Granny:of course. My child is getting married so i have to be here. Your husband fetched me and your uncle.
She kisses my cheek.
Granny:be a good wife to your husband.  Respect him. Take care of him. I love you and i am proud of you.
Me: i love you too.
She went out.
Dad:i cant believe my only daughter is getting married.  Now you will be far from me.
Me: papa you'll make me cry.
Even though he had lied to me i could never hate him. I still love him as i did if not more.
Dad:im happy for you. And i know you're going to be a good mother and wife. Just know no one will take your place in my heart.  You're still my little girl.  Anytime you miss papa come home.  I will be there. I know you will build your home to be beautiful. Take care of yourself.  I love you and your mother is proud of you.  Dont lose yourself in this marriage okay? And know you can still talk to papa about anything. Come here.
I hugged my dad. It brought tears hearing his speech. After he got out the makeup artist came back again to fix me as I've been crying.  After she was done we prayed with my bridemaids. Mpendulo can worry all he likes. This is my day and im allowed to be late.

Mpendulo stood there his eyes wandering around the venue. He was starting to get worried. What if she decided that she can't go through with the wedding? He couldnt keep still. Its his first wedding and the bride is not showing up.  Him and his brothers made sure that nothing must disturb this day so what must be keeping her this long?
Mzwakhe:bafo calm down. You know women are always late. She's coming.
Mpendulo:what if she doesn't love me anymore and decided to run back to that idiot?
Mzwakhe:i told you to stop torturing yourself with that. She loves you and she'll be here. You see? Her grandmother just entered smiling. She's coming.
He looked at the entrance and saw Lisa throwing flowers coming down to where they were as the song Two Becoming One by Jonathan and Emily Martin played. Behind Lisa followed Oratile and Mnqobi.  He smiled as he saw them.

The moment he saw his wife in her beautiful wedding gown it's like everything else didn't matter.  All he could see was her. Her father walked her down the aisle holding her hand. She smiled as they were nearing where the groom was standing. As for Mpendulo,when she was near him he turned to the other side. He couldn't hold himself. He started silently crying.  It was a beautiful sight to see. Mzwakhe his brother and best man offered him a handkerchief to wiped his tears. The brothers laughed as they had never seen him cry like that. Even the bride shed a few tears as she was approaching. He then looked at the front before she could get where he was standing.
Pastor:who gives away the bride? do. Khoza please take care of my child.  Im trusting you with her.
Mpendulo:i will.
He took hold of her hand they looked at each other.
Pastor:Before we can continue. Is there anyone here who thinks these two should not get married? Talk now or forever hold your piece.
It was quiet in the venue then he continued. Then it was time for the bride and groom to say their own vows.
Mpendulo: firstly my love  I'd like to say you're so beautiful.  You're the most beautiful person in here. And im happy that you're mine. I never thought one day I'd find myself standing in front of many people saying vows. I never thought marriage was for me. But,one day you appeared and changed all of that.  You made me believe that i can change.  I loved immediately when i laid my eyes on you. I knew then that you were going to be my wife. And from there i had to work hard for it to happen.  You gave me a bit of a hard time but it was all worth it in the end. Because I got my dream girl. My entire life i never got married because i wanted to be sure first of the person that im going to spend the rest of my life with. And after seeing you i was sure cor the first time.  You're my forever. I will love you like it's my last day on earth.  I will protect and provide for you. I promise to be a good husband to you my queen.  I will love and cherish you. I love you so much Khanyisile.
He wiped a tear that fell on her face. He wanted to kiss her.
Pastor:not yet not yet.  I know you cannot wait but now it's her turn to say her vows.
Laughter erupted in the hall.
Keatlaretsi: firstly thank you my love for loving me. Thank you for showing me that true lovereally exist.  In such a short time i found myself falling in love with you and everyday i fall more in love with you.  To me,you are someone i know i can count on. Someone i find comfort in. Someone i wish to see everyday i wake up and when i go to sleep. You're the man i prayed to God for.  And i thank God that he blessed me with you. I love that you care and love me. And every time you say you are going to be okay i feel comfort in that. Because I know it's from you and i know that you will be there for me. I promise to be there for you just as you have always been there for me. I will love and cherish you.  I will be your love,sister and friend.  I love you so much and everytime i thank God for you.
Pastor:wow. Such beautiful and powerful vows. May God bless your union. I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Khoza.  You may now kiss your bride.
He held her close to him and bent down.  He kissed her and they kissed passionately while others clapped their hands for them.  The family came and hugged them. They had the reception and it was good and wonderful.  People were enjoying themselves.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang