Chapter twenty six

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I drive to the place where i will be meeting Amir and his mother. I chose a public place. I can never trust that woman. I drive there and arrive just in time. But unfortunately I have to wait for those two to arrive.  Finally they arrive and look around. They don't know it's me that they are meeting. I raise my hand and the mother is dumbstruck. She's surprised to see me. They come to where im sitting.
Amir: are you the one we are meeting?
Me:yes. I know you were thinking this is a business meeting. did you call us here for?
Me:i think we both know why I called you. You can a seat.
Amir:it's good to see you. It's been long.
I smile and nod. didn't call us here to smile at us right?
Me:you're right. Amir i know what i did to you is bad. And i am sorry. I was wrong.
Amir: i thought we've moved on from that?
Me:not at all. I may have moved on but it seems like your family hasn't.
Amir:what does my family have to do with this?
Me:your mother is still angry over what happened. Ma stay away from my family. Coming after my family will not make me come back to your son. Your threats will not work on me.
Amir:what threats?
Me:your mother threatened me saying i should lie to you and say the vaby that I was pregnant with is yours or she would kill me. I had to run and hide because she had people looking for me. As if that's not enough just a few weeks back she sent someone to shoot my sister.!?
Me:oh yes i know it was you. Unfortunately for you she didn't die. She may have been in a coma but she's perfectly fine. Stop going after her and face me directly. Im not scared of you nkoko. Try your stunts again and i swear there will be hell to pay. You don't know me. you made my son a fool and thought you are still going to pay for it. I won't stop until you and your family pay.
Me:i feel so sorry for you Amir to have a mother like this. man your dear Amir isn't as innocent as you think.
Amir:mom! Did you tell her you had a woman at home waiting for you while you were about to marry her? Go on. Tell her.
I looked at him and he looked down. better watch yourself. You have a cute baby. Something might happen to him.
My phone rang.
Me:hello. Yes...thank you. I will definitely report for duty on Monday. Thank you.
... tell your sister to be careful. I might just pay her a visit and finish her this time.
Me:i don't have time to deal with this. I have to go and celebrate my new job. got a job?
Me:oh yes. You thought giving a bad reference about me would work always? Not this time. this little happiness while it still lasts. You will never be happy for as long as im alive.
Me:believe me you don't wanna take me on. Just try and you will know me.
Amir: Bonolo where's that sweet woman i know? When did you turn to this?
Me:i don't know. Maybe since your mother wanted to kill me and my sister. Anyway have a good day. And know this,don't try something that you're going to regret.
After that i went back home. When I arrived there were cars outside and i knew his brothers were here. I got in and greeted them.
Mzwakhe:babe we were just waiting for you.
Me:oh okay.
Mzwakhe:we are going out so I wanted to wait so i can leave Lwandle.
Me:okay baby. Have fun.
Mabutho:MaKhoza did you hear that im going to be a father?
Me:yes. Congratulations.
Mabutho:man ican't believe it's happening.
Mzwakhe:we're leaving now baby. I will see you when i come back.

I clean around the house while Lwandle is still sleeping. I know he'll want my attention when he wakes up. I finish cleaning then start baking. My mother in law asked me to bake for her as she is coming on the weekend. She loves scones and i know i always have to bake for her when she visits.  While im still busy baking i feel hands touching me on my legs. How did he know where to find me? I left him sleeping in the lounge .
Me:my baby you are up. Did you miss mommy today? Cos i missed my boy.
I kiss him and he giggles
Me:oh you missed me? I love you my baby.mcaa

I put the pots on the stove and start cooking while i bake on the other side. I go with my boy to the lounge and take his feeding high chair. I give him his formula and continue with what i was doing. As im taking out the first batch of scones my phone rings. It's Mpendulo. What's going on?
Mpe:hey. Sorry if im disturbing you.
Me:no you're not.
Mle:how are you?
Me:im good and you?
Mpe:good. I called about your sister. Can you please try and talk to her? She can't stop crying and i don't know what to do
Me:what happened?
Mpe:nothing bad. I've tried but she won't stop crying.
Me:okay. We can FaceTime and I'll try and talk to her. Are you back?
Mpe:yes. We arrived yesterday.
He cuts the call and we FaceTime.
Me:Keatlaretsi why are you crying?
Kea:im pregnant again.
Mpendulo:you're pregnant!?
Me:is that why you are crying? I thought someone died.
Kea:you don't understand. My life is over. I feel like im a baby making machine!
Me:oh sorry but don't feel like that. I mean you can afford to take care of that baby. You have your husband to help and he'll take care of you and that baby.
Kea:how did this happen? I was on contraceptives!
Me:these things happen okay? You should be happy now.
Kea:but I always feel like crying.
Me:you know what? Come and visit me tomorrow. The others are also coming.
Kea:you always know how to calm me down. I love you okay? I love you so much.
Me:i love you too. Now stop crying.
Kea:im hurt okay? This means i won't go back to work anytime soon.
Me:your company wont run. It will always be there. You can go back after you give birth. It's not like someone will fire you.
Kea: i guess you are right.
Me:yes i am. See you tomorrow.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Where stories live. Discover now