Chapter seventeen

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  If Mpendulo wanted to do whatever this woman wanted then i was going to let him be. It's his life and he can do whatever he wants. If she really needed help with her father she could have sent an sms if she saw that he was not answering her calls. And where did she even get his number cos he changed his number when he bought a new cellphone? All the time she used to come here something could happen to her father. I'm not saying he must let him die. The old man helped him. But it's his daughter that i do not like. I saw the way she looked at my husband.  She still wants him and would do anything to have him. I didn't even cry. I've cried enough my whole life. P went to bake. I made dumpling and soup for the kids. After that i called the kids and the nanny to come and eat. I went to call Mpendulo said he was on a phone call. I listened through the door.
Mpendulo:i told you to never contact me again...i love my wife and now you've just taken me back to square one. She had forgiven me but now you came and ruin everything.  I told you I will never love anyone besides my wife! ....what! Im not leaving my wife for you! I've sent the money and if it's nothing about your father don't ever call me again. Give me the hospital contacts and i will contact them warning you for the last time. Don't...
I decided i heard enough and left. I went to join the others . After i washed the plates and went to shower. After that i slept.

In the morning i woke up to my husband holding me. I tried to get out of his hold but he wasn't having it.
Mpendulo:good morning beautiful.
Mpendulo:how did you sleep?
Me:fine and you?
Mpendulo:not good. You were ignoring me. Are we okay?
Mpendulo:gogo called. She wants us to visit.
Me:i don't know .
Mpendulo: It's been a while since we visited her.
Me:okay. You can go. I'll be busy
Mpendulo:i haven't even told you when. I want us to go with the kids.
Me:as long as it's not this week.
Mpendulo:next week.
Me:can you let go now?
He kissed my neck and didn't stop.
Mpendulo:i love this position that we are in. I hope you are not going anywhere today.
Me:no im not. I just have have to look for a catering company. The one i had found cancelled.
Mpendulo:that won't take time.  Who's that knocking? Come in.
Mnqobi:mama i brought the kids.
Mpendulo:you don't greet anymore?
Mnqobi:good morning mama and baba
Mpendulo:why did you bring them?
Mnqobi:they are crying for you. Can we swin today? Please.  We will use our small pool.
Me:okay. Your dad will take it out for you.
Mnqobi:yes! Can i have my friends come over?
Mnqobi:thank you mom
He ran out and the twins got into bed. They kissed my face and laughing.
Mpendulo:my boys and disturbing.

Days passed and things were just not good between us. We would just fight or ignore each other. Seeing my husband talking to his mistress in my presence took its toll on me. I know she was updating him about her father's health but it didn't sit well with me. I felt like he feels something for her. What could one think in a situation like this? Your husband doesn't give you attention and gives it to the other woman? Sometimes i even think i made a mistake. Im feeling like im the only one putting effort in this marriage. I just think i deserve better than this. I cannot spend my life worrying about an old man misbehaving. Mpendulo:hey
Me:oh hi. I guess you've decided now. You're leaving.
Mpendulo:what do you want me to do? He needs me.
Me:you're not God. It's not like you will save him.  You gave them money!
Mpendulo:we won't talk about this. We will talk when I come back.
Me:as soon as you get in that plane just know that its over between us. I thought i would forget about everything and work on our marriage but if you leave then know its over.
I watched him walk out on me. I sank down when i heard the car leave. I waited and waited thinking he will come back. But no. He didn't come back. I lived as usual. Its not like this is the first time he did this. Leaving us.

I went and got the kids ready for school. Life wont stop just because their father left. I will take care of the kids. It's not like im incapable of doing that. I finished making their lunch boxes and put it into their back packs.
Mnqobi:have a good day mom. We love you
Me:love you too.
They left and i went to check on the ones that are left here. They were still sleeping. I went to the room that's empty and looked if i can't make it my home office since i can't go to work. I decided to go to the internet and check out furniture for my home office. I ordered everything that i needed and it would be delivered in a week's time. I called the Rustenburg office just to find out how everything is going.
Me:hello. Is that Rubben?
Rubben:yes. It's me. How are you?
Me:im fine and you?
Rubben:im good. I take it you called to ask about how things are going.
Me:yes. How's everything?
Rubben:good. New clients are coming in and everything is set for the launch. So there's nothing to worry about.
Me:okay.  I hope you are running the way that i told you. And the list of cleaners and drivers i gave you. Did you look at it?
Rubben:already done that. They are hired. But as for the construction workers i don't think you should just pick anyone. For now we have the stuff that will run the company.   But we will do enterviews for the construction workers. We have to hire people with experience.  We don't want the company to be in trouble because of incompetent people do we?
Me:you're right. Let's talk about Mannono Bogatsu.
Rubben:i think you made a mistake. She acts like a boss here. According to her this is her family business. Her behavior is not good.
Me:that's not her family business. She can't do as.she pleases. I will talk to her when I come there. She's just an intern there. Don't let her walk all over you just because she's related to me. Give her a warning. This is a business.
Me:have yourself a good day. Will see you at the launch.
After the call i called Mannono.
Mannono:cuz how are you?
Me:im good. This is not a social call. I heard you've been misbehaving at work.
Mannono:who said that?
Me:your boss.
Mannono:cuz i think that guy doesn't like the fact that i work there. He should know that my family owns this business.
Me:your family does not own that company. It's mine. Stop acting like you have a share there. Don't forget how you got that job. You better change how you act.
Mannono:sorry. I hear you
She cut the call on me! What is this girl playing at? I gave her this job because my aunty asked. I did her a favor. Now she's putting my company under threat.  I will fire her if she doesn't behave.

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