Chapter twenty two

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My time with Zweli was constructive. He said he would get people he knows to keep tabs on Agnes. On the other hand Zorro has been trying to recover the footage of our house on the day it burnt. I can't say im happy though. We might not get anything. But im hopeful. Everyone has gone to sleep and im just sitting here with the twins who have just fallen asleep. I pick them up and take them to Mnqobis room. But now Lindani uses it. I find him fast asleep. I put the heavy boys next to him and kiss their foreheads.
Me:good night my boys.
I go back to switch off the tv but i find Mabutho seated on the couch.
Me:i didn't know you were here.
Mabutho:i couldn't sleep so i figured i must just come abd think here
Me:is everything alright?
Mabutho:no. I got a job outside the country and now i don't know whether to go or not.
Me:what do you think you should do? What does your wife say?
Mabutho:she thinks it's a good opportunity. It could open many doors for me and we can maybe relocate for 5 years.
Me:so what's the problem?
Mabutho:you know how your father is. He doesnt want me to go. Even mom who's always understanding doesn't want me to go.
Me:this is your life. If this is what you want then i think you should go.
Mabutho:im not you. I can't go against his decision.
Me:for once just choose yourself and not what he says. You've worked in the family company for long and did very well. Now it's time to do what you want. You have my support. I will talk to the parents. Don't worry about it.
Mabutho:so how's hunting your alleged baby mama Down?
Me:i can't believe that woman thought I'd believe her lies. That child is not mine. She doesn't even look like me or her.
Mabutho:these things happen. But im sure she will rock up with her father here.
Me:let her come. She will be embarrassed. My wife might be asking herself where I am. Good night.
Mabutho:good night bafo.

I went to our room and she was awake pressing her phone.
Me:my queen. U right?
Kea:yeah ke shap. I was just waiting for little madam to fall asleep.
Me:she must be tired. Sje was moving around a lot at Zweli's place. Ukhathele ngempela.
Kea:at least o robetsi nou.
Me:yeah. You seem to be too far.
Kea:i was just thinking. When I give birth and the baby is six months im going back to work. I don't want to be bored doing nothing at home.
Me: i know it can be boring. You know what? How about i take leave from work and we raise our baby and when he's six months then we find a nanny and we both go back to work. But before going back to work me and you are going to travel the world. Just get fresh air. Away from all the drama.
Kea:that sounds good. About Agnes..
Me:what about her
Kea:if the baby is yours what will you do?
Me:it's not mine. If it was mine i would take responsibility and support my child. But thankfully it's not mine.
Kea:okay. But know that if it's yours i...
Me:you will not leave me. As i said it's not mine.
Kea:keep that criminal woman away from me. I don't want to see her near me.
Me:you're so amazing. Let's sleep. Tomorrow is a very busy day.
Kea:good night.
Me:aren't you forgetting something?
Kea:mmh no.
Me:hay ithi uya dlala bo.
She laughed and moved her head to me. We kissed and smiled. My wife has a beautiful smile.
Me:now we can sleep.
We fell asleep in each others arms. And that was the most amazing thing.

In the morning i woke up and my wife was playing with our girl. She kept giggling and touching her mother's face.
Me:good morning daddy's girls.
Kea:morning love. How are you
Me:im good. Let me take a shower.
Kea:okay. I've already showered
Me:why didn't you wake me
Kea:i didn't want to disturb your sleep.

I went to shower then lotioned and got dressed.
Kea:mmh someone looks sexy.
Me:and who's that
Kea:some man i just saw on my phone
Me:well not sexier than me i hope
We laughed. It's good to hear her laugh.
Me:and then Thando? Why's she laughing?
Kea:she's laughing because her mommy's laughing.
Me:she likes things. It's Christmas.  I see you are already dressed.
Kea:yes. This girl woke up very early.
Me:you look so beautiful. Let's go.

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