Chapter twenty one

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Mpendulo: Zweli i love my wife so much.  But i don't know what is wrong.  I seem to be making all the wrong decisions..
Zweli: are you sure you did the right thing getting married? I mean all you do is hurt her. Ask yourself what it is that you want. You can't always treat her like this. Has she ever given you reason to do these things?
Mpendulo:no. I just find myself doing things for us without talking to her. Thats what im used to. Im not used to making decisions with someone.
Zweli:that's the problem.  You have to change. You are married now. Things must change. Consult with your wife before you do things. It musnt be everything but if it concerns your family talk to her about it and hear what she says. Communicate. Be a team. It's all about teamwork. Respect her. Respect yourself also. Be a man she trusts. Every time you go out she must not worry about whether you are doing something wrong out there. You must appreciate her. I was so happy for you when you told me you have found the one. Now you want to ruin it? No i wont let you do that. What kind of friend would i be? Fix things with that woman. You two love each other. You just have to change here and there. You will see everything will be good. Start by apologizing. Then take everything from there.
Mpendulo:i hear you. Thanks for the advice.
Zweli:good luck. I want to see you two smiling when you come here.
Mpendulo:okay. Will see you tomorrow.

He cut the call and went to his bedroom. He hugged his wife from behind.
Mpendulo:my love. Im sorry. Im sorry for treating you bad the past few days. I know i have been difficult to deal with. I will do things different now. I've seen my mistakes and i will fix them.
Kea:it's fine.  But you can't always do things and expect me to just agree. We have to communicate. Not just drop a bombshell on me.
Mpendulo:i know.
Kea:and this thing of you always saying sorry and never change. It has to stop.
Mpendulo:i hear you. And thank you for accepting my son and for the support that you're giving him.
Kea:that's what a mother you have other kids out there maybe from your past girlfriends or...
Kea:and Liloca ...won't she rock up here one day saying you two have a child...
Mpendulo:i thought we have moved on from that?
Kea:im just making sure. The way she's up in my back it's like she has something. It's good that you didn't impregnate her because I would pack all my things and leave.
Mpendulo:really now?
Kea:yes. I won't stay to raise a child that is the results of cheating. Rapula did that and i left. He was prepared to leave his wife for me but I couldn't stay there and raise his kids. You know i love you more than I've ever loved any man. That's why I stayed after what happened with the Agnes saga. But im telling you if you keep doing things that hurt me i will say enough is enough and leave. Yes it will hurt because I love you so much but i will try to live without you.
Mpendulo:can we please stop talking about you leaving? That will never happen so let's just stop talking about it. Im going to be a good husband and treat you like a queen that you are. My queen.
Kea:ke a go rata ntate khoza
Mpendulo:nami ngiyak'thanda MamKhoza. So do you forgive me for changing our plans without talking to you first?
Kea:yes. As long as it wont happen again.
Mpendulo:now let's go before we miss our flight.
Kea: I wish I didn't have to go.
Kea:your aunt always brings me down. There's no way that she wont be calling me names or ill treating me.
Mpendulo:well then it's good because she won't be around. She will be with her family.
Me:okay that's better. I was raised to respect my elders. I don't hate your aunty but the way she treats me is not good. It doesn't suit someone of her age. I expected that to be done by maybe someone your brothers age or young. Not koko o mo tuna jaana.
Mpendulo: i promise she will never pick on you again. Not when om around.

The following day i got up and i was alone in our room. Three days before Christmas. My birthday. I took a shower and wore a dress and fixed my hair. The way it's so long i feel like cutting. I went downstairs and everyone looked beautiful.
Me:good morning.
Mpendulo:morning my queen.
Lisa:happy birthday mommy.
Me:thank you my love. Have you made breakfast?
Mpendulo:no We are celebrating your birthday at home.
We drove to his parents place. Everyone had arrived then we all went to sit in the dining room.
Siya:happy birthday Kea. I can't believe you're almost my age.
Me:thank you.
Ma:happy birthday my child.
Mpendulo:we have a surprise for you.
They all turned to the door and there she was standing.
Nolo:aren't you going to give me a hug?
Me:i can't believe you're here. I missed you so much.
Nolo:i couldn't miss your birthday. Happy birthday.
Me:thank you.  Where's your baby?
Nolo:he's sitting there with his father.
Me:oh my God..i didn't even see it's him.
Mzwakhe:how would you see me with this brother of mine holding your hand as if you are going to run?
Mpendulo:awungyeke wena.
Me:wow your baby is beautiful. Bonolo im so happy you're back.
Mpendulo:come sit.
Lu:baba i want meat. Please.
My baby looked so cute.
Baba:what did you do to my boy? His face is pink.
Mpendulo:He was crying for meat. And i told him he will eat here.
Baba:come my boy. Don't cry again okay? You can have lot of meat.
He nodded his head and sat on his lap. He was now laughig talking to his grandfather. What i like is that this man loves his grandchildren. That's why most of the time you will find them here.
Mpendulo:now that everyone is settled,i would like to thank my wife. Thank you for being a good wife. A good mother to our kids. I wouldn't choose anyone else to do this life with. You're just perfect for me. I love you and i appreciate you. Your presence in my life and that of our children brings a difference. I pray that you grow to continue being the good person that you are. I couldn't have asked for a better life partner.

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