Chapter thirty two

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It's here. My big day. My wedding day. I never thought this would be me. I thought the same thing that happened with Amir would happen. Postponing the wedding when it's just a few days away. I know we've already signed at home affairs and had the traditional wedding but this feels good.
Mama:oh my child.  Im so proud of you. I'm proud to be called your mother. My daughter is getting married.  We thank God for this.
Kea:bride to be. I have a message for you from the groom! Aag you are so beautiful!
Me:thank you. What did he say?
Kea:he sent you a video. Here.
Mama: Keatlaretsi i told you to keep her phone off.
Kea:mama my husband called and asked me to give Bonolo her phone cos her groom sent a message for her.

I took it and watched the video.
"My love. My eternal love. This is it. Today is our moment. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for agreeing to marry me. Our lives,our forever begin today. I can't wait to see you. I love you. And im happy that today we will say i do. I can't wait for all the moments that we will create together. Don't be late. Or i will be worried. I love you Mrs Khoza. Forever and always. "
Ah. This video! I see it's his intention to make me cry.
Kea:you're the most beautiful bride. Your dad is waiting for you outside. Let's go.
Me:is this really happening or I'm  dreaming?
Kea:no it's real.
Mama:let's go.

Well i have five bridesmaids. It was really a big fight when I chose bridesmaids because my cousins wanted to be bridesmaids too. My husband blatantly told me that my bridemaids will be his brothers wives because his brothers are his groomsmen. The wedding was held at my place. We have a beautiful backyard that is just opposite the lake. So i said why waste money when we can have the wedding there. Music started playing and my dad hugged me. I was so emotional. My father looked very happy. I remember i was a disobedient child growing up. Now im grown and changed. And i can see how proud he is of me.
Papa:I'm proud of you. I know I've already said this on your traditional wedding but don't forget. Getting married to this man does not mean we have abandoned you. O nale gae. Don't feel like you're no longer a Bogatsu. You always will be. You will always be my little baby girl. Take care of yourself and your family. I love you.
He kissed my forehead and took out his handkerchief and wiped a tear that fell. Oh how I love my father. I wouldn't ask for a better father. He is the best. We started walking to the wedding reception and the kids appeared. Natty, Sphe, Thando and my little boy. Lwandle was in front and walking so fast. He looked so handsome in his beautiful tailor made suit. My little man. With his curly hair falling on each side of his face. He reached where his father and uncles were standing and opened his arms.  Siya picked him up and he put his head on his shoulder. The girls were throwing petals on the way going to where the pastor was standing. I felt so emotional. I felt like i would cry. I'm happy. This is what I've always wanted. And today I'm doing it.


As the bride appeared the groom started to relax.
Pastor:who gives away the bride?
Mr Bogatsu: I do.  Khoza tlhokomela ngwanake monna. I'm trusting you with her.
Mzwakhe nodded and Mr Bogatsu went to sit down.  The pastor officiated the wedding and the bride and groom  said their vows.
Bonolo: love, I really can't believe this is us. But I'm happy that im doing thiswith no one else but you. I promise to love you like you always do. I will be a good wife to you and mother to our child. I will love and care for you. May God bless us to see even more years that we can ever imagine. May he give us strength to overcome anything that will try to stand on our way. You taught me that with love we can overcome anything. You've showed me that it's possible. And I'm grateful for you. To have you as my life partner. Someone who will always be by my side. Someone who will care and look out for me. Someone who will be there always. I promise to be there in health and in sickness. In good times and even in bad times. Until death do us apart.
She put the ring on his finger.
Mzwakhe: My beautiful woman. The most beautiful woman in the world. The love of my life. I can't contain myself today. I am so happy.  Mlre happy than words can ever explain. Seeing you walk down the aisle just showed me that this is it. The beginning of our forever. The beginning of something beautiful that will come out  of our union. Something moved in me. I got to see an angel coming towards me. An angel that is you. I'm happy that we are standing here in front of everyone to officiate our love. The love that you give me. I had long given up in finding the one that my heart beats for. I had no hope. But that one day. Just that day i met you i knew that i had found my eternal love. I knew that i had found my missing rib. I promise to love you like you've never been loved. I will love and cherish you and all our memories. I will take care of you and our kids. I will be with you always. Even in our afterlife.  I promise to be there in health and in sickness. In good times and even in bad times. In every single thing that we will face i will be by your side.
Then he put the ring on her finger .
Pastor:beautiful vows. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Everyone Mrs and Mrs Khoza! You may now kiss your bride.
They kissed and cheered for them. 
The wedding went well and everyone was happy.

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