Chapter twenty three

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I have been home for two months now. Mpendulo comes with the kids every Friday and fetches them Sunday  evenings. Being close to my father kept me sane. I love this man.  He's always there for me and making sure that im alright. Even though sometimes I take him for granted. I remember one day he asked me who is taking care of my kids and husband when im here. I got angry and answered back at him. I've never done that before. I apologized and he forgave me. My phone rings and it's my husband. He's telling me that he's outside. I  take my bags and push them out. He meets me by the door and gives me a hug. More like squeezing me.
Me:im sorry. Im sorry for blaming you for the death of our baby. Please forgive me.
Him:shh. What matters is that you be well. Other things we'll go through them day by day. We will be fine okay? Let me go in and greet.
Me:it's only me bere. I already told them im leaving. Let me go and take Thando. She's sleeping.
Him:I'll take the bags to the car.
I took Thando and she didn't even wake up. This girl has weight for days. Moving with her up the stairs is a lot of work. I lock the house and leave the key under a mat there. We get into the car and i put her into her car seat.
Him: the kids can't wait to see you.
Me:i missed them.
Him:they were still at school when I left. Im sure they are at home waiting for you now. You should have seen the twins when I said im fetching mommy. They didn't want to go to school.
Me:who will be with them when they come back?
Him:they'll be at Chris. Just until lindani comes back from school.
I nodded and he drove to Pta.

Upon arriving Lindani had just come back and they were now watching cartoons.  I greeted my kids and they were happy to have me back.  The twins were telling me about what happened in school. They didn't want to hear anything. They just sat with me talking until they got tired. I decided to cook for my family. Im sure it's been a while since they ate food cooked by me. I made rice and salads. Then i did chicken stew and mashed potatoes. The aroma was there.
Mpendulo:it smells good in here.
He said holding me on my waist.
Me:i hope it tastes as good as it smells.
Him:im sure it does. It's good to have you home.
Me:im happy to be back.
Him:i love you Khanyisile my queen
I turned to look at him and smiled
Me: i love you too.
Him: i got a helper. She comes every morning but she doesn't come on weekends.
Me:why?i thought you said we don't need a helper anymore.
Him:you'll be going back to work so she'll help when we're not here.
Me:okay. Help me take the food to the table.

We took the food to the table and called everyone to eat.
Me:did you all do your homework?
They all responded and took their seats. As usual Lisa wanted to be the one praying for food. We then started eating.
Mnqobi:mom you're back for good right?
Me:yes boy.
Mnqobi:okay. That's good.
Lisa:yes. And me and you can go to girls outing.
Mnqobi:what about us?
Lisa:you left me on your boys outing. You said no girls allowed. Right daddy?
Me:really?why did you leave my baby?
Lindani:we went to buy groceries at the mall without her and as you know how she is she complained.
We laughed.
Me:me and you my girl are going to our girls outing tomorrow.
Lisa:so i won't go to school?
Me:you'regoing. We will go out after you comeback.
She was all smiles.  After we finished eating  we all went to our rooms. My boys were on my hip. Didn't want to leave my sight. We lay on bed talking with them until they fell asleep and we took them to their room. I took off my clothes and went to shower. I wrapped a towel after i was done and went back to our room. I lotioned and wore my night dress. I got into bed and called Bonolo. Mpendulo was showering.
Me:hey. I hope im not disturbing.
Nolo:not at all. I  just put Lwandle to sleep.  How are you?
Me:im good and you? Can we go out tomorrow ?
Nolo:im good. You'reback?
Me:yes. I came back today.
Nolo:yes we can meet. Send me the details...are you alright mara? Like o shap?
Me:yes im might not be 100 % but I'll get there.
Nolo:that is good. I was worried about you.
Me:im fine now.  We'll talk more tomorrow.
"Babe have you seen my lotion?"
Me:stop making me laugh. I just came back. What have you been using all this time?
Mpendulo:that's my way of asking you to come lotion my back
Me:i knew it!
Him:you know your husband very well MamKhoza. Now over here.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz