Chapter four

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My day with Bonolo was very good. At least she kept me company. I got ready to go to work. I took my stuff and i sighed looking at the X6. I got in and drove off to work.
Me:good morning. Do i have any messages?
Pa:no mam. You don't have any meetings also. Your husband is waiting for you in your office. My phone rang on cue.
Me:Keatlaretsi Bogatsu speaking.
Voice:MaKhoza. Ulale kanjani sthandwa sami?
Me:oh it's you.
Mpe:yes. It's me. How did you sleep?
Me:good. Thank you for the car. It'sreally helping.
Mpe:that's good. You can take it then.
Me:bathong! Arr you for real? I can't take your car.
Mpe:well i don't want it.
Me: i see you're full of jokes.
I went into the office and Rapula was sitting on the chair.
Mpe:I'm serious. I've sent someone to bring you breakfast.
Me:stop bothering people. I can buy my own breakfast.
Rapula:hello Keatlaretsi.  Can we talk?
Mpendulo:who's that?
Me:no one.
Mpe:can we have lunch together?
Me:i thought you went home.
Mpe: I will leave tonight. I will send a driver to fetch you.
Me:you borrowed me your car mos
Mpe:i gave it to you. Anyway give the driver the keys and he'll drive the car to your place. Then someone will come and fetch you.
Me:Mpendulo I'mreally busy. I can't have lunch with you.
Mpe:have a good day.

He dropped the call. This guy doesn't give up.
Rapula: you now talk to men in front of me? I thought we would fix things!
Me:i have work to do here.
Rapula:do you love him?
I don't know what's going on with me. I feel something but i don't know what it is. This guy wa nloya!
Rapula:wow. I'm here making myself a fool kanti someone has already taken you.
Me:Rapula i ...
He left angry. I felt bad actually. He looked so hurt.
Pa:maam someone brought you breakfast. They said it's from Mr Khoza.
Me:thank you.
I took it and she left. I thought he would just order but it looks like he made it himself. I smiled as i took a first bite on the toasted bread.
Voice:mmh. That smile.
Me:hey sis. How are you?
Nolo:ke shap. Looks like i came on the right time. You cooked.
Me:Mpendulo sent someone with it. Oh there's a note. "I wanted to order for you but decided against it. I woke up early than usual so i can cook for my beautiful lady. Enjoy."
Nolo:aah. So romantic!
She ran to my side to hug me.
Nolo:i told you this man loves you. He makes sure you arrive to work safely, cooks for you and cares about you. And i know you love him.
Me:i don't know. This is all too much. Rapula was here. He was so hurt when he heard me talking on the phone with him.
Nolo:and who's fault is it? He brought this to himself. I hate to say this but Rapula never loved you.
Me:i just felt sorry for him. Maybe if i can go and talk to him...
Nolo:o tlaba shap. Let him be.
Me:Mpendulo wants us to go for lunch.
Nolo:oh my. You should go and enjoy yourself. Give me your phone.
I gave her and she started typing. Then gave it.
Nolo:I'll see you in an hour.
She took two toasted bread slices and rushed out. Mxm. I ate then after started working. I wanted to finish my work before leaving. Bonolo did come back after an hour. She came woth a floral summer dress and sandals. I was confused but she said i must just trust her. At lunch time a driver came to fetch me and drove to the lunch destination. I read and it said the blyde crystal lagoon.i once came here with Bonolo. Tim had paid for everything and i asked Bonolo to come with me. But What am I doing here?
Driver:we've arrived. Go straight to the restaurant. He's waiting for you there.

Now i see why Bonolo bought this dress. I walked to the restaurant and i saw him. He smiled and met me halfway.

Mpe:thank you for coming. I thought you changed your mind.
Me:this place is beautiful.
Mpe:and peaceful. You are so beautiful.
Me:thank you. You don't look bad yourself.

He kissed me and opened a chair for me. We started eating.

Mpe:you know...i don't usually do this. Dates and all that. But because it's you I'd do it over and over again.
Me:I'm impressed.

After eating we went to sit by the beach on the chairs. He even asked someone to take us pictures. He said he'll look at them when he misses me. I can say he has jokes. I've been laughing most of the time since i got here.
Me:i enjoyed myself. Thank you.
We were now leaving the beach. It was bo ma past 5. He stretched his hand out for me. I put mine on his. I thought we were going home but no. He led me to those apartments. We went into the lift and he couldn't stop looking at me. All i could do was smile and look down. We finally reached the room. He opened and proceeded to the bedroom.'s so beautiful.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Where stories live. Discover now