Chapter eighteen

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I stood near the friedge by the counter and took out ice cream and a bowel. I felt someone hug me from behind.
Mpendulo:hey baby. How was your night?
Me:fine. How are you
Mpendulo:im good. Are you sure you're fine with my brothers coming here?
Me:yeah. Why would i have a problem with that? They're your family.
Mpendulo:then why are you not joining us? Their wives will be with them.
Me: Farai is leaving tomorrow. So we're spending the day with him. I can't let him down.
Mpendulo: if you finish early you will come?
Me:yes. But it depends on what Bonolo wants us to do today. But it's not that much we will finish early.
Mpendulo:can't she do her things on her own?
Me: shw was there for me on my wedding so i also want to be there for her. Im sure we will finish early. We are just going to fit the dresses.
Mpendulo:you can tell Sbongile to bring the dress here. Then you can all meet here.
Me:kore you're trying all you can for me to be here? Talk to Farai if he'll agree to come here.
Mpendulo: if these people were to move to another country would you survive?
Me:yes i would.  Which is why i have to spend most of my time with them when they are here. Farai can go a long time without calling so i have to make most of it.
Mpendulo:okay. I will talk to him.
He said leaving. I took the ice cream and went to the sitting room.  I gave everyone theirs.  We had our ice cream while I listened to them tell me about what happened when I wasn't around. We are now renting an apartment . Mpendulo refused when i said we can move in my house in Pretoria West.  He said he can't stay with Farai. I don't know what's his problem with him. Our house in Silverlake is being rebuilt.

Our honeymoon! Well i had a great time. We went to Greece. Greece is so beautiful. But most importantly me and my husband.  He literally told me that we wouldn't come back before things are good between us . Well it took time for us to get here. I can't say i fully trust him now. But it will get there. I knowi told myself that if he cheats i will leave. But something in me just told me to give my marriage a second chance. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work.
Mpendulo: babe your cousin agreed to come here.
Me:oh. Then I  will go with Bonolo to fit her dress then come back.
Mpendulo:okay. I'll be in the study. Come my girl.
He tried to take Thando  but she started crying. My girl had a scar on the side of her stomach,from the fire. We still don't know how the fire happened because mme Maggie(the nanny.) Said she wasn't cookingand there was nothing that could have started the fire. The police haven't found anything so Lerato's brother the one who helped with getting the kids out of the fire said he will investigate himself because the police are not doing anything. Well Lerato turned out to be a very good friend of mine. It's hard for me to just trust anyone but with her it just natural. She's a good person and someone i can keep around.
Mnqobi:you see your dad is jealous? He wants to taje you from me.
Mpendulo:why vele is she crying? Do you bribe her?
Mnqobi:she loves her brother.
Lisa:no she wont cry on me
They all tried to take ger and she cried. Even on me. Traiter.
Mpendulo:this child! Let's go boys.
The twins were already at his feet. We laughed.  He took thwm and they disappeared through the passage.  After i was done with what i was doing i drove to Hatfield. That's where  Sbongile's boutique is. I met Bonolo there. We started
Fitting the dress and it looked so good on her.
Sbo:it should be her crying but it's you
They laughed at me
Me:i just can't help it. You look so beautiful. Remember saying you will never get married?
Bonolo:you had to go there. I didn't know i would fall in love ome day. Now here i am.
Me:you're going to be the most beautiful bride.
Sbo:everyone will be looking at you.
She changed and came back.
Sbo:thank you for recommending me Khanyisile. So would you like to leave with it or what?
Bonolo:i don't want anything happening to it so ill fetch it on Friday.
Me:so where to now?
Bonolo:im going to Amir's place.
Me:okay. I'll see you.
Bonolo:i have a bone to pick with you. I will call.
Me:did i do something wrong?
Bonolo:no. Bye now. I love you.
Me: i love you too.
We hugged and went our separate ways.  When I arrived i saw the cars outside. They must be here. I went in and there was no one. I changed my heals into sandals then went outside.  I found everyone at the backyard.
I sat on one of the empty chairs. The kids were playing. And the men were doing a braai. I see everything is ready. Just waiting for the meat.
Ntombi:so where were you?
Me:i went with Bonolo to fit her dress.
Ntombi:okay. So you never told us about your honeymoon.
Ndoni:and don't leave anything out.
Me:um who cooked?
Sethu: you're not getting out of this one.
Me:it was good. I had a great time.
Sethu:where did he take you?
Me:Greece. I had never been there before. The place is so beautiful!
Ndoni:it shows you had a great time.  You're glowing.
My phone saved me from the questions.
Me:hello...yes at the backyard. You don't have to shout. Just come to the backyard you'll see us.
Ndoni:where is Sbongile?
Me:she said she had to fetch something at home first.

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