Chapter six

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I really didn't stay the whole week as Mpendulo said.  My father called saying i should come home. I left on Thursday and i  as expected he wasn't pleased with what was going on.  After i told him the whole story about what Rapula did he calmed down.  And i thought Rapula's family would refuse the lobola but they  agreed for the Khoza family to come. Today is Saturday.The day of the lobola. I woke up early and showered and got ready. Today us a big day for me. My aunts were busy running around doing God knows what. We have been waiting but no sign of the Khoza family. No call from Mpendulo. Nothing . I tried his call and it rang without being answered. I've never cried like i did today. Im hurt. Im hurt beyond words. Nothing can explain how im feeling right now. "I knew that it was too good to be true. Ne nka makala! You got divorced not so long ago and in less than a year you were about to marry another man. I knew it wasnt going to happen."_thats Rakgadi Moipone. One of my father's sisters. How can she talk like this? Im going to be a laughing stock in this community! Most importantly im hurt. She should be comforting me not adding salt to the wound. But shes right. I may have known Mpendulo for a few months but we only started dating nit so long ago. And already i was about to marry him. Im such a fool. I should have known that this was too good to be true. I go into the bathroom and wash off the makeup. I dont even know why i let Bonolo put it on me. Im not a makeup person.

Two months passed and nothing from him or his family. I wished that it could be a dream and i would wake up from it. Now im in the kitchen making breakfast. I must say this lobola thing made me to spend a lot of time with my father. He refused for me to go back to work. I had to call Bontle and ask her to look for someone in the company who would hold the fort. I finish spreading rama on my bread along with peanut butter. I even eat peanut butter on its own. It's my favourite. I take the eggs and make them for my father.  I know dad will want them.
Papa:morning my babby.
Me:morning papa. I'll be done soon. Go and sit down.
I continue then take everything to the sitting room.  I give him his plate and fetch the coffee. We start eating. I finish my rama and peanut butter sandwich then start with the eggs.  I feel something coming up from my throat. i run to the bathroom and empty everything that I've just eaten. I rinse my mouth and go back.
Papa: Keatlaretsi a gonale sengwe o batlang go mpolella?
Me:no dad. Im fine. I've just been throwing up these past few days. But I'll be fine.
Papa: are you pregnant?
Me:dad no. I'd know.
Papa:you said Rapula had you tie your tubes.
Me:i untied them after we separated...
Papa:then im right. You're pregnant.
Me:my God! How could i be so careless? Now im pregnant and papa ngwana o tshabile. Ne ke nagana eng? Just after dating him for less than a month he would marry me?
Papa:this too shall pass.
Me:now i have to think about what im going to do.
Papa:you want to terminate? here. I will help you raise this baby. If he wants nothing to do with you i will help you. You're my child and i love you.
Me:i love you too papa.
I put my head on his shoulder and cried. My dad is the only man who will never disappoint me. I can always count on him.

Seeing as i have nothing to do i decided to just take a walk around the neighbourhood. I ended up at mma Moeketsi place. I ordered a burger and chips and just sit by the chairs and watch people going up and down. That's what i always do. Come here,buy something and watch people. "Here's your order."_that's her bringing my food.
"O bonala o le kgakala. A o siame?"
Her question exhausts me.
"Ke siame. Ke nagala fela ka bophelo."_i say looking down
"Sengwe le swmgwe se nale mako ya sone. Things will be alright. I heard about  your lobola negotiations and i know people are talking. Se ba tseele tlhogong batho ba motse oo. Akere wa itse gore batho ba jwang." She doesn't understand what im going through
"People look at me on the street. I hear them saying ke palletswe ke lenyalo. That ka opona. Im not even like that. " i can feel the tears falling. Im starting to be emotional.
"Go tla siama ngwanake. O se ke wa belaela."
I wipe my tears and focus on my food. This baby is making me eat a lot. Im always in the kitchen or this place. And now he's making me cry. I even miss the bastard who made me pregnant and ran away. Why didn't he just tell me to my face that he doesn't care. I would move on peacefully not wondering about anything.  I try his phone again thinking I'll get a different answer but it's the same. Voicemail. I always send messages but no replies. I even attempted to go to his home but dad refused.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Where stories live. Discover now