Chapter nine

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A week later

I came home on Friday and i couldn't help but worry. What if aunty Zinzile does something again and the lobolo negotiations don't happen?i don't know how i fell asleep last night thinking about this. I woke up in the morning and took a bath. I kept going to the window to check if they have arrived. When I saw my grandmother I couldn't hold myself. I didn't care that they said i must not get out of this room before they call me. I ran out and met her by the door. I cried. I missed my grandmother. But most importantly i was crying because i was happy that she made it.
Grandma:let's go in. You're not supposed to be out here.

We went in with me holding her hand. When Rapula and i got married or what i thought was us getting married my grandmother didn't come. She said she was busy. But i knew she wasn't and it hurt me.

Me:thank you for coming koko.
Grandma:your father sent someone to fetch me. When he told me your bride price will be paid i had to be here. My daughter's only child is getting married.
Me:I'm happy you're here.
Grandma:now don't leave this room until they ask for you. And don't stress. Everything will go well.

She left the room and i went back to the window and Luckily they arrived and were asking to be let in and saying our clan names. Now i can finally relax. I know they haven't started yet but im happy that they arrived and nothing wrong happened. 
"Babe,i just wanted you to know that we have arrived safely. I can't wait to see you as my wife. See you later. "
I smiled afterreading the text.
"Im happy that nothing happened this time. Where are you?"
"Im at that favourite place of yours. I had to get something to eat. Will talk later."

I put my phone down and just sat down and waited to be called.  It looks like my phone is bjsy today. It keeps beeping.
"Keatlaretsi please meet me at home. I really wanna talk to you. Ke Rapula. "
What does he want now? I blocked his number but he keeps changing them. I deleted the text and breathe out loud.  It beeps again.
Bonolo: why are you ignoring that phone?
Me:ke Rapula. I don't want to talk to him.
Bonolo:i thought you cut all ties with him! This is an important day for you he better not ruin it.
Me:he keeps changing his numbers after i block them. He says i must come kwa bone he wants us to talk.
Bonolo:im going to him before they let the khozas in. He must not dare ruin this beautiful day!
Me:im moving on with my life. He must just focus on his wife and leave me alone.
Bonolo:I'll make sure of that.
She got out and i was left with Dipuo, Rego and Mannono my cousins.
Rego:to be honest I think you're making a mistake.  Raps wa go rata.
Me:well I don't love him.
Rego:and you've come to that decision in what? Eight months? Better the devil you know than the one dont know.  Men cheat and that wont change. When this one cheats you will leave him too?

Apparently all men cheat besides her husband.

Me:if you know so much about that Raps of yours wjy don't you take him for yourself? Please don't ruin my day.
Dipuo:don't mind her. This is going to be a successful day and just be happy and ignore her.
Mannono:but im with Rego on this one. You go from thaka tsa gago and go for a grandpa. I don't even know what you're looking for cos it can't be money. You have lots of that. He will die soon. The guy is too old.
Dipuo:what matters is their love and not age.
Mannono:be careful of these old men. Why is he only getting married now!
Me:please! You are making noise. Stop talking about things you know nothing about!
My phone rings and i answer.
Mpendulo: sthandwa sami hiw are things going there.
Me:um fine.
Mpendulo:don't lie to me. You know you can never lie to me.
Me:okay. I don't know how it's going. Your family is still at the gate.
Mpendulo:okay. Babe...You wouldn't change your mind about us right?
Mpendulo:i just saw your ex. He looked angry.
Me:babe i wouldn't let your family come all the way here just to embarrass them. I love you and that's  not going to change. No one will stop us from being together. I choseyou and i will always choose you. There's nothing to worry about.
Mpendulo:okay. Ngiyak'thanda Mawakhe.
Me:i love you too and ican't wait to see you. Bye.
"Im back. They've just let the khozas in now."
I released a big breathe.
Mannono: i just saw a man with white hair! Is that your fiance?
She laughed. Like really hard. This is one of the reasons I don't get along with her. I don't know what's funny?
Me: Bonolo did you see Mpendulo?
Nolo:no. But i saw his car.

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