Chapter thirty eight

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Zweli:so how is your wife doing?
Mpe: I don’t know man. They said she is fine. I couldn’t see her. They said for the first two weeks visiting is not allowed.
Zweli:whats that? Patients should be allowed visitors so that they can see familiar faces and recover quickly.
Mpe:two weeks will move by very fast. What worries me is the fact that she was so sad. She was broken man. I don’t think she will ever forgive me for this.
Zweli:you were doing what is good for her. She will soon realize it.
Mpe:I hope you are right man. I cant live without her. I just hope that was only hurt talking. Because I wont survive it.
Zweli:stop stressing about this. Your wife will be fine and come home soon.
Mpe:yeah. Thanks for the call. Theres another call coming.
He cut the call then answered the one that was coming.
Voice:hello. Its Farai.
Mpe:oh. How are you?
Farai:im not good. Why did you take my sister to that hell hole?
Mpe:how did you know about…
Farai:she called me from someone’s phone. She sounded scared. You know she is not crazy man. Please go and fetch her. Go with the police. She is not safe in that place. When she saw things did you even try to look for other solutions?
Mpe:this was the better solution.
Farai:it has been a week and you haven’t visited her.
Mpe:they said visitors will be allowed after two weeks.
Farai:then why was John allowed there?how did he manipulate his way in there because she says he got in there disguised as a doctor? Do you see how she is not safe?
Mpe: John!
Farai:that’s what I said. Please go and fetch her. Im taking the next plane. When I get there we are going to Zim. Gogo wants her home. She says there is someone who will help her.
Mpe:im going to fetch her right now.
He took his car keys and ran to his car. He drove off while calling the police. He was panicking because that place is too far and anything might happen while he’s driving there. He was like flying on the road. When he got there it did not take long until the police arrive.
Mpe:im here to fetch my wife. Keatlaretsi khoza.
Man:Keatlaretsi khoza? Let me check her for you. Oh here. Didn’t her husband fetch her? Here it says Mpendulo khoza fetched her.
Mpe:would I be here if I were the one who fetched her?
Man:sir I don’t know who let her go but that’s what it says here.
Mpe:im not leaving this place without my wife. You let a man get in here to take her but you said I cant see her before two weeks is over. Is this how you work? Something fishy is going on here.
Police:lets turn this place upside down. We are not leaving without her. Others go and check down the road and around the yard. Go around this area.
Mpe:did John pay you so that he can get her? Is that it?
Man:I don’t know what you are talking about.
Mpe:let me tell you something. I worked as a soldier. I had a position. A high position in the army. I know people from high places I know people who can destroy this place of yours in a minute. As for that John of yours I already have him. That’s how I know that my wife is still here. You better give her to me right this instant if you value this place!
The man started shaking.
Man:I just work in the admin I don’t know anything. Ask the doctors.
Mpe:if I don’t find her here…you better pray that I do.
He left the reception and went to check room by room. He couldn’t find her.
Woman:sir you are making noise. This is a..
Mpe:hey!i want my wife and you are telling me shit!
Police:there is a door that wont open here. Over here.
He ran to where the police officer was. He didn’t wait. He just kicked the door and it opened.
Mpe:khanyisile! Khanyisile vuka. Ngiyaxolisa.
Kea:you came…
Mpe:yes. Im here to take you home. Im sorry about everything. We are going home.
He picked her up and left the room. He went straight to his car and put his wife inside the car.
Mpe:here. Have some water.
He helped her drink water then drove off. On his way he made a call.
Mpe:I want john dead. But after he talks. And I want that place burnt down. This is the last favor I will ever ask you.
Then he cut the call and looked at his wife. In just a week she has lost a bit of weight. He  blamed himself for all of this. He blamed himself because if he didn’t suggest that she goes to that loony bin this wouldn’t have happened. He got home and parked the car then helped her to get out. They went inside and everyone was there.
Bonolo: Kea im sorry. I didn’t know this would happen.
She kept quiet not answering.
Mpe:would you like something to eat?
She looked at them all and went to their room. She took off her clothes and went to shower. After she was done she took out her suitcase and started packing her clothes. She finished and went to the kids room. She packed the triplets clothes then pushed the bag to her room. In all of this they were looking at her. She then went downstairs.
Kea:um where are the kids?
Mpe:they are at school. O samkelo baya dlala e playroom.
She turned around.
Mpe:why were you packing?
Kea:im sure Farai already called you. Im going to Zimbabwe.
Bonolo:can I atleast go with you? Just so I will know that you are safe.
Kea:I will will be more safe with my grandmother than I am here where I am not wanted. As for wena Bonolo. My own sister. I thought you’d have my back. But no. I told you Tshireletso was following me. I told you I was seeing him. He came in that place. Tonight they were going to kidnap me. I hope you two are happy with what is happening.
She went to look for the triplets.
Muzi:ubukeka azwile buhlungu.
Mpe:you think I didn’t see that? And im the one who caused all of that. She pleaded with me not to send her to that place but I insisted. And now im losing her.
Shaka:I think you should give her time. She will not leave you. She’s just hurt.
Mpe:what was I going to do if I arrived there late and they took her?
He sighed holding his head.

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