Chapter thirty seven

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Gogo:hello my child. I did not see you when I arrived.
Me:dumela koko. I was at the hospital.
Gogo:okay kulungile ke. Wamuhle ngane yami.
Me:ngiyabonga gogo.
Gogo:ikuphathe njani ingane?
Me:angzwanga gogo?
Gogo:awu ngisho ingane.
Everyone looked at me. Looks like they know.
Me:kahle gogo.
Ma:sit down dear. Let the others bring the food here. You must not pick heavy things.
I smiled and sat down. Thank got it was not everyone around the table. The other wives went to fetch the food.
Ma:how far are you?
Me:i don't know. I haven't been to the doctor.
Ma:tomorrow we will go together.
Mpe:mama I'm taking her myself.
Ma:I'm also going with you.
Baba:you can all go together. We can't wait to meet our grandchild. I'm happy that all my children are here under the same roof and all happy.

They came with the food then we started eating. Everyone was hàppy and chatting. After we finished eating i took the kids and went to give them a bath. I started with the triplets and then put them in their cots. Then went to bath Sphe,Natty and Thando.
Me:Sphe what is this?
Sphe:it's my feet.
Me:i know that. Why is it dirty?
Natty:we were playing outside.
Thando:mommy Natty said we must take our shoes off.
Me:all of you must never take your shoes off when you're outside okay?
Sphe:yes mommy. You will give us sweets?
Natty:okay. But i want ice cream.
Me:anything you want. As long as you wear your shoes.
They started playing with the water. I know once they start they won't stop. I took them out and got them ready for bed. After i took them to bed. I then went to our bedroom.
Mpe:let me give you a massage.
Me:okay. While at that can you tell me how gogo, mama and baba know about the pregnancy?
Mpe:mom suspected and told me then i told gogo.
Me:then why did she say it's a boy?
mpe: i told her I'd like the baby to be a girl but she wants it to be a boy.
Me: i feel like I'm not destined to work. Every time I go back to work i fall pregnant.
Mpe:you have people who work for you. I've also retired. I'm always around you. So that's better.
Me:okay. Good night.
Mpe:good night sthandwa sami.

The week went by very fast. Now we were back in Pretoria. Being back was good. I loved that i could be in my own house without thinking that someone will judge me. I didn't quit at work but i was going to. Only after I'd finished with my contracts that i was responsible for. This other day when I was working John showed up. I was scared but i didn't want to show it. I remained calm.
John:hello. I didn't know you work here.
Me:quit playing John. What are you doing here?
John:okay. You got me. I'm here for you.
Me:why? So you can abduct me or something?
John: I know your guards saw that bug i put on you. Which is why I'm here to explain.

I took my phone and dialed the guard's number. He snatched it and switched it off.
John:I'm not here to hurt you. You're too precious to me to do that.
Me:precious? Please leave before my husband  gets here. He's on his way.
John:oh you're married. Anyway that doesn't matter. About that that bug. Pule Bogatsu sent me. He wanted me to follow you around and get information he can use against you.

John:but when I saw you i changed my mind after i started talking with you and i had already put the bug on you.
Me:okay now go and tell Pule that he can come and ask for that information himself. I'll be waiting for him.
"Khanyisile you called."
Me:yeah. Please get him out. Don't come back here again John. You ca go and tell Pule to stop whatever plan he has.
The guard told him to leave. I know he was lying. He wasn't sent by Pule. He's up to something. He wants to destruct me with the Pule thing. So that when I let my guard down he strikes. I pack my things and go home.

Me:hey babe. How was your day?
Mpe:so so. How was yours?
Me:it started very well.  Then John came to my office.
Me:yes. The man from Lisa's dance.
Mpe:oh yeah.
Me:he said Pule sent him. But i could see he's lying. He's up to something.
Mpe: Tshireletso was released. They said there's not enough evidence.
Me:i knew that would happen. That's how it is with SA justice system. They want to see a dead body before they take action.
Mpe: let's go to the police station and make a restraining order.

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