Chapter thirty four

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At Keatlaretsi's house

Bonolo:let me go and cook. You've been sleeping the whole time.
Kea:I'm fine.
Bonolo:okay. At least come and sit in the lounge while I cook. Come.

She got up and almost fell.
Bonolo:have you had anything to eat?
She touched her forehead.
Bonolo:you're burning up and your eyes are red.
Kea:i have a headache.
Bonolo:sorry. I will bring grandpa for you. Let's go.
They went to the lounge and Bonolo made a sandwich for her.
Bonolo:eat first then you can drink the grandpa.
Bonolo:so tell me. Where did you meet that guy? Why was he at your office?
Kea:you think i called him?
Bonolo:of course not. I just want to understand this.
Kea:he's Rapelangs cousin. I met him while i was there. Ne a mpatla ka mo gana. I could see gore something ga se right kayena. I mean every time i told him i love my husband and I am married he would change. He would be angry. Even shouted at my child when she didn't want to go playing with other kids.
Bonolo:he's crazy. Who does that?
Kea:I'm just happy that i was always with my baby. Who knows what he could have done?
Bonolo:I'm just happy you left that place in time. Before he could show his true colours. Don't worry. He'll rot in jail.
Kea:they didn't call the police.
Bonolo:what!? They just let him go?
Kea: Mpendulo said yena and your husband will take care of it.
Bonolo:have you noticed something about your husband?
Jea:like what?
Bonolo:i don't know man. Something off maybe. Sometimes Mzwakhe acts somehow. Do you think their work is legit? I know they own companies and the family business but I don't know maan. I don't think it's that only. And now they don't involve the police in this.
Kea:gwa tshwana. The police would have just said he didn't do anything so they can't arrest him.
Bonolo:yeah so they decided to take the law into their hands.
Kea:you think they are criminals?
Bonolo:i didn't say this so that you can start fighting with your husband. I know you.
Kea:i won't do that. Tshireletso said something. A re Mpendulo is a monster and one day he's going to hit me. A re he attacked him until he broke his hand.
Bonolo:i hope you don't believe that. Mpendulo would never do something like that to you. That guy would say anything just to get you.
Kea:i don't believe him.
Bonolo:it doesn't look like you mean it...your husband would never hit you okay? let me go and check on the pots. Yeah!
Mpendulo:sawubona Bonolo..
She went to the kitchen.
Mpendulo:it's good to see that you're out of bed.
Kea:um yeah.
Mpendulo:so what was your sister talking about?

Kea:oh that.  She was just assuring me not to believe what Tshireletso said about you. Not that I believe him. I know you're not like that.
Mpendulo:mmh. He escaped from where they had kept him.
Kea:as in you don't know where he is? Oh my! This person is dangerous than I thought. What if he goes after the kids at school?
Mpendulo :he won't do that. We have people looking for him.
Me: I  have to ask my cousin to help.
Mpendulo:your cousin?
Kea:yes. Pule. He will help look for him.
Bonolo:did i hear you correctly? Don't do that. You know he will want something in return. Besides yena le Rapelang are back together. Do you think Rapelang will let him help you against her cousin?
Kea:what do you want me to do?
Mpendulo:don't worry yourself about this.
Bonolo:and don't try and call Pule. He might tell Rapelang and she warns him.
Mpendulo:she's right. Right now we are looking for information about him.
Kea:what are you going to do when you find him?
Mpendulo:tell Mzwakhe to come to the study when he arrives.
Kea:he didn't answer me. What if he's going to kill him?
Bonolo:it doesn't matter. He deserves it. Stop worrying about this.
Kea:what if he gets arrested?
Bonolo:stop crying about this. You have to be strong and not this cry baby. Yes. If i don't tell you who will? I'm sorry but it's the truth. And no leaving! If it happens that they do something to him i don't want to hear you say you're leaving. Because i know thats what you're going to do. You can't just leave every time something that you don't agree with happens. You sit down with your husband and talk it out. Everything he does is for you. For your safety. So don't question him on how he's going to handle this. I hope you are listening to what I'm saying.
Kea:i hear you. Do you think I'm a bad wife? Every time something happens i react quickly and feel like judging him.
Bonolo:it's good that you noticed it yourself. Now you know you have to fix it.
She just nodded.
Mzwakhe :hi Khanyisile. Unjani?
Kea:I'm fine and you?
Mzwakhe:hay siyazama.
Kea:why? Is something wrong?
Kea:oh...your brother said you must join him in the study.
After that he rushed out.
Kea: o shap?
Kea:what did he do?
Bonolo:he's freaking me out with baby talks. He says Im pregnant and i can't have that now.
Bonolo:it hasn't even been a year since i started working.
Kea:I'm sure you will manage.

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