Chapter eight

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Today is Mpendulo's birthday and more family members have arrived. Everyone is busy moving around getting things ready. The catering people are already here and some are decorating the backyard where they are going to have the party. Muzi came to fetch Mpendulo in the morning so that he won't know what is going on. After they were done with renovations and putting things in place they all gathered around and waited for the man of the moment. They all got ready as Muzi rold them that they are coming. Muzi and Mpendulo arrived and they all shouted "surprise!"
Muzi:happy birthday bafo. We know you don't usually celebrate your birthdays but today we had to do this.  To show our love and appreciation to you. We love you and we are thankful for everything that you do for this family. Enjoy.
Mpendulo:thank you. Thank you for this. Even though it's unusual but im happy.
Khanyo:bhuti come and cut your cake.
His eyes wandered around and landed on Keatlaretsi. He went to where Keatlaretsi was and took her hand.
Mpendulo:i missed you.
Kea:i missed you too.
He kissed her forehead then went to where the cake was. They sang for him and he cut the cake and took a very big portion and went to sit on his chair. People said their speeches thanking him.
Aunty Zinzile: i just thought i should also say something. Happy birthday to you my brother's son. Indeed this had to be done. We know how you are a big help to our family and we did this to show you that we love you. 50 years is not child's play. Happy 50th birthday.


"Happy 50th birthday. " i will never forget the smirk on aunty Zinzile's face. It's like she knew that i don't know his age. How could he not tell me his age? I thought maybe he's in his 30s or early 40s. He looks young. 21 years! Such a huge gap! He's almost my uncle and dad's age! I felt a hold on my hand tighten. It's like he could see or feel what im feeling right now. How could he just keep quiet about such an important matter? I tried pushing it to the back of my head and focus on his party. I didn't want to show everyone that his age has somehow affected me. Aunty Zinzile kept looking at me and i didn't want to give her the satisfaction. I know she doesn't like me at all. All in all the day was fun and wonderful. The other relatives left to his brothers places and some remained.
Gogo:my child come here.  I would like to talk to you.
She's making me late. I have to go with Bonolo but i can't just go without talking to her.
Me:okay gogo.
My phone beeped and it was Bonolo. "I know you want to run away but that won't solve anything. Stay and talk to him. Im sure he had his reasons for not telling you.
I  went to sit with gogo.
Me:im good.
Gogo:i know you're not.  Discovering his age might have come as a shock. I know it's too much but please don't leave  him. Ever since you came into his life he's only been happy. It's good to see him smiling. I knew he had found his wife when hetold me about you.
Me:yes his age came as shock but I will not leave him. I love him and that will not change. It's just that this shocked me.
Gogo:i understand.  Do you have siblings?
Gogo:you're an only child?
Me:yes. My mother always lost her children and im the only one that survived.
Gogo:sorry about that. Don't overthink. Take it easy and talk to him. You can leave now.

I know i promised gogo that i will talk to him but this is too much. I feel like he manipulated me into being with him. Why didn't he tell me about his age before we could start dating? I had to find out from his auntie. The look on her face!

I take my cellphone and went inside the house. I bump into aunty Zinzile on my way out.
Zinzile:where are you going? Are you planning on  running away?
Me:auntie I know that's what you want. Did you think what you said will make me leave? I won't do that. He already told me his age. Excuse me.

I move aside and go to the bedroom and take a shower. To be honest this age thing got to me. I lied to her and said he told me because I didn't want her to think she won. I finish taking a shower and lotion and get into my night dress and gown before Mpendulo comes in. I feel like this is a dream. I leave the bedroom and go to the spare room to sleep there. But i really can't sleep. He's 21 years older than me! I never thought I would find myself in a situation like this. How could i fall in love with someone who's almost my father's age? My father is 63! What is he going to say? Will he really allow it? But what about what i want? My heart wants him but my head says otherwise. All these thoughts in my head are giving me a headache. I get up and put on my gown and go back to our bedroom. I touch the door handle and debate with myself whether to go in or not. I finally open the door and get in. He was sitting on the bed with his elbows on his knees and hands on his head. I could see that he was thinking hard. I went to the closet and took his presents.
Me:hey babe. I have your present here.
I went to sit next to him. I gave him his presents.
Mpendulo:thank you sorry. I know i should have told you about my age. I was going to tell you.
I smiled and kissed him.
Me:it's fine. I love you and i will love you even now after knowing your age. I loved you before before knowing your age so that must tell you something. What i love about you is that you care for me. You leave everything that you are doing when you see that im not fine. You always make sure that im fine. You put me first and you have good intentions with me. When im with you i can be myself.  You are just so good to me and i keep falling in love with you every moment.
Mpendulo: you have no idea how happy that makes me. And i promise im going to love you for as long as we live. I'll be back just now.

I got under the covers as he went out of the room. He came back with a plate on his hand and juice.

Mpendulo:i saw that you didn't touch your cake and i know how you love it so i fetched some for you.
Me:thank you.  I couldn't eat with aunty Zinzile's stares.  The way she was looking at me it's as if she expected me to run away. I don't know.  It's like she expected me to react differently.
Mpendulo:don't mind that witch. Can you believe she tempered with my car to prevent the lobolo from happening? She caused the accident only because she didn't want me to marry you.

Wow. She even put his life in danger just because she doesn't want him to marry me? Am i that bad? Why go to that extent?

Me:oh my God. What if something worse Happened? I didn't think she'd go that far.
Mpendulo:but you don't have to worry about her. She won't try anything again. How's my little champ?
Me:he's been so good today.
Mpendulo:tell me if you're hungry. I know you don't eat much when there are a lot of people.
Me:im fine. I will have this cake though.

He opened his gifts while i ate. His smile was everything. It showed that he loved all his  presents. I got him a keyholder,a watch and a customized wallet written MM Khoza.

Mpendulo:i  love this keyholder. Whenever I miss my family i will look at it. Thank you.
It has a picture of us and the kids.
Me:i didn't know what to get you. What do you get for someone who has everything?
Mpendulo:you're my everything.

He watched me eating the cake until i finished. He took the plate back. He took off his clothes and put on pajamas and we slept.

Me:babe,between you and Muzi who's the older one?
Mpendulo: im the older one, followed by Mzwakhe then Muzi,Mabutho,Bongani,Siyabonga and Nokukhanya.
Me:where's  Mzwakhe?
Mpendulo: he's in Swaziland.  He only comes home once in a while. Reason being aunty Zinzile's doings. She did the same thing she did to me  his bride to be. From there on he moved to Swaziland. She hated the poor woman just because she was Swati.
Mpendulo:but we've made peace with it.

I could see that this matter hit home.

The following day i woke up and went to take a shower then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Voice:leave everything as it is. You're not yet married into this family. You're not our bride yet. You can't be cooking for us!

Where did she get that? Is it their zulu tradition? This woman hate me a lot shame. I switch off the stove and go to the sitting room.
Khanyo:hey Kea.
Ma:good morning my child.
Me:good morning ma. Hiw did you sleep?
Ma:good and you?
Me:good. Hkw are you Khanyo?
Khanyo:I'm good.
Ma:how is the baby?
Me:good. He's growing.
Ma:that's good.

Everyone came into the sitting room and we all sat and waited for auntie. She came and sat down.
Auntie:so we are not having breakfast today? Kea didn't you say you were going to cook?
Me:auntie i was cooking and you said i must stop because I'm not yet a bride to this family so I'm not allowed to cook.
Auntie:i don't remember telling you that.
Mpe:Keatlaretsi let's go. She will cook for everyone here.

I got up and followed him. He opened the car door for me then went to his side.
Mpe:are you going to cry about everything she says about you?
Me:everyone's eyes were on me! She embarrassed me.
Mpe:i told you to ignore that witch. Can you please stop crying? I will buy breakfast for us and she's leaving today. You won't have to deal with her.

I cry more thinking about how embarrassed i was.

Mpe:crying will not help you. She will always have something to say. If this is how you behave then you're going to cry your whole life.
Me:I'm hungry. And it's her fault.
Mpe:i will buy you anything you want. Just stop crying.
Me:i can't wait to eat. This baby eats a lot.
Mpe:but you're the one eating a lot. But I'm not complaining. My baby is growing.
Me:what about me?
Mpe:what about you?
Me:never mind.

He drove to Lerato's restaurant and got our food then ate in the car. I finished my food so fast. It was so delicious.

Mpe:why are you looking at me now?
Me:I'm not full.
Mpe:here. You can have half of mine.
Me:thank you.

I kissedhis cheek.

Mpe:i fear pregnant women.
Me:just say if you don't want me to have your food.
Mpe:you can have it all.
Me:i love you.
Mpe:me or my food?
Me:your food. Just for now.

I look at him laughing and he joins.

STORY OF MY LIFE: KEATLARETSI Where stories live. Discover now