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They were looking at traffic cam footage. "This footage was taken out from a traffic cam which everyone thought was broken. Maybe that is why this happened." Few men laid something over the icy road and then walked away. 

Then a car came collided with the thing on the road and then the oncoming car which was purposefully coming towards them. Ange fell out just before the accident. Forrest had collided head-on so, he got unconscious on impact. They took Ange and left Forrest, who after a while was founded by Christopher and Valentino.

"They left Forrest Arthur Lyte to die. And taken Ange away. Someone wanted him to die. The accident was done purposefully so that Miss Ange here inherits everything. That proves what Miss Ange accused my client of wasn't true at all." He put the remote down. 

"I rest my case here." Ange stood up and said "This man had killed my unborn child. You cannot just..." "Please Miss come to the witness box and state anything you like to." Forrest knew something was very wrong. He can feel that very well.

"My son, my unborn son was murdered by this man with a plan. He had fed me something, a drug to induce my abortion and have my miscarriage. But before that, I had that accident. Have reported proving that." Miss Chase handed the report. 

The judge read the report and then looked at Forrest. "Does the defendant have something to say in this case?" Forrest didn't know what he should say or do. He was out of options. He was out of ideas. He didn't know what he shall do in order to prevent dragging his family through this.

"Can I see them, your honor?" Mr. James asked. He looked through the papers. Then he gave them back. Then he walked towards Forrest. "Why haven't you informed me about this?" He asked. "Because I never did it. I have two children of my own why I would kill one? I wanted to make sure they survive. I would want him to survive as well. I can never kill my own flesh and blood." Forrest felt like crying. Just when he thought everything would be alright. Something goes wrong and that thing is something he cannot control. How he is going to get out of this one? He has no idea.

"If no one has any more clues to include, more evidence to present, I think I will let the jury decide what..." Someone got into court and said, "Am I late, sorry Your honor I have some evidence I like to present to this court related to this case." They looked at Valentino. 

He was hoping he reached on time that he could present this crucial thing. "We are about to arrive at a verdict. I don't know why we are going with that." Miss Chase said looking at Valentino.

"I think we should look at the evidence your honor. It might turn around the case." The judge looked at Valentino. "Present the evidence" Valentino gave to Mr. James what he bought and told him what was the evidence about. Mr. James provides the evidence.

 "I wish to draw your attention towards the evidence that had arrived." He showed all the paper and said "How are you going to kill a child that never existed?" That confused all include Forrest.

"This provides a piece of evidence that Miss Ange never was pregnant. She had faked her pregnancy. She never had presented any tests or any evidence that she ever carried any children. All those seven months, no check-ups, no tests, no ultrasonography, nothing that suggest she was expecting." Forrest was livid, she lied to him about his son? All these years he was living in guilt of hurting something that she never actually has? He doesn't know what to believe anymore.

"Mr. Lyte can you once again come into the witness box please" Forrest walked towards the witness box. "Tell me exactly what happened when you find out your wife was pregnant with your children." "I being a doctor myself checked her up and then referred them to a professional as well. I used to do check-ups on her every single week at least once before the appointment to the doctors." He told the courts. 

The Heart Specialist (A Medical Romance Book 2) (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz