"Which one wants to die first?"

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I look up at the plain grey building, only two stories. It wasn't much, but what could you expect for Abnegation headquarters? The barrel of a gun pushes at my side causing me to wince. "Push me like that again, and I will make your death slow." I begin to walk forward into the building. 

The pain of my wound has started to ache, every step felt like my skin was being peeled off with a hot knife, and not quickly. I did my best to hide that I was in pain, they all most likely knew, but I couldn't let them know how much. 

Since we were captured I had looked around for Tris at every corner, I didn't know if they had gotten to her. I walk through a door into a plain office. A computer, desk and two chairs was all there was. I see a blonde woman in a blue suit sitting on the phone, her face was pulled into a grimace as she sighed angrily. "Well put some of them back on the train then," she held her head as she waited for a reply. "It needs to be well guarded, it's the most important part - I'm not talk - I've got to go." Jeanine noticed us and put the phone down. 

I had never paid much attention to Jeanine, but her eyes settled on me as I smiled and waved. "Divergent rebels." A Dauntless soldier speaks, I could only guess he was a leader or he had shown some kind of importance to Dauntless to be pulled out of the simulation. 

"Yes, I can see that." She takes her glasses off and begins to clean them. I look at the Dauntless. 

"She can see that." He glares at me as I smile and look back. 

"You," I looked around before pointing to myself. "I expected."

"I thought I hid it quite well." I pout. She glares at me as I notice soldiers starting to get agitated.

"All the trouble with your aptitude test results made me suspicious from the beginning. But you..." She pointed at Tobias. "You, Tobias - or should I call you Four? - managed to elude me." She speaks quietly as she stays in thought. "Everything about you checked out: test results, initiation simulations, everything. But here you are nonetheless." She looks almost amazed as she lays her chin onto her hands. "Perhaps you could explain to me how that is?" 

Tobias looked bored, his eyes were nearly closing. "You're the genius. Why don't you tell me?" I cross my arms for a moment. It was confusing, I had been wondering if Tobias was Divergent for a while now, Tris and I had both messed up test results, but how could Tobias' be perfect? 

Her smile seemed to widen as her eyes filled with wonder. But it wasn't something you would see in a child's eye. It was completely evil. "My theory is that you really do belong in Abnegation. That your divergence is weaker." I look at her for a moment till she looked back at me. "While your divergence is far too strong." I raise an eyebrow. 

"And how did you come to that conclusion? I thought it was obvious what I am." 

"Your test results were weird of course, that was to be expected and what made me originally suspicious. But your initiation simulations, yes they bugged out, but with some proper recalibrating I could see everything," she leaned forward once again. "You could tell you were in a simulation, yet you never twisted it which is how divergence is usually found." She stood up and walked to the front of the desk. "That is what made me confused. A divergent that could act like a normal person." I stop for a moment. 

"You talk a lot. It's tiring." I raise an eyebrow. "Do you get tired talking that much? Or do you like the sound of your voice, cause I'm not going to lie... it's quite squeaky." I start making a wiping motion. "Sounds like a window." 

"Be quiet." I look over my shoulder and to the Dauntless I had talked to before. 

"I'm not talking to you, so why don't you be quiet?" 

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