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ah, a typical saturday morning in the cute house down the street. it was no easy task for jacob — the tired "eomma" of 10 children all 5 and under — to sit down and eat breakfast.

the air was crisp, the sky was clear and blue, the birds were chirping and-

"eomma! eomma! look, i'm supermwan!"

" juyeon baby.. we've gone through this, underwear does not belong on your head."

jacob sighed as he saw his cheeky little 4 year old strike a super man pose from the second floor before bum shuffling his way down the stairs. a little grin was plastered on juyeon's face as he made grabby hands towards his eomma, refusing to step on the ground after he had successfully made his way to the ground floor as he claimed that the floor was "lava".

jacob picked up the little one and placed him on his hip, bringing him to the huge brown dining table where 5 of his 10 kids were already sitting down, eating one of the cereal flavours from jacob's huge stockpile of cereal.

" mo'ning kebbie! mo'ning hoonie hyung! mo'ning minnie! mo'ning hakkie! mo'ning eric!"

little juyeon squealed as he greeted everyone currently at the table, wriggling in jacob's arms and bouncing around as he waved excitedly at everyone.

" mo'ing hyungie!" little 4 year old changmin squealed as he copied his brother, launching his cereal spoon in the air in the process and it ended up smacking eric's face. ensue : water works.

the two year old's tiny but piercing screams filled the dining room as he pointed his chubby little finger at his older brother for launching an attack on him with his spoon. changmin's eyes started balling too as he felt bad that he caused eric to cry, and both his brothers cries made juyeon, who was still in jacob's arms, start crying as well because his brothers were crying.

younghoon who had just been silently watching the whole ordeal happen, started to sniffle too as the cries of his brothers made him sad.

and the morning was completed by the wailing of jacob's six children at the dining table.


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